December 2017

Special Issue on Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Oceanography | December 2017

Thanks to all of the TOS members who participated in the

survey. We were truly overwhelmed by the response. If you did

not receive the survey email, or forgot to respond, we would still

like to hear from you, especially regarding Question 3. You can

email me your response at, or if you

are attending the Ocean Sciences Meeting in February, please

come by the TOS booth and share your stories about how you

use Oceanography in the classroom and also how we might make

the magazine more useful for educational purposes. For those of

you who responded to the survey online and will be attending

the Ocean Sciences Meeting, come to the TOS booth and chat

with us anyway—and also collect your extra beverage coupon.

Ellen S. Kappel, Editor

I have used graphics from Oceanography in many lec-

tures over the years. It’s one of the best sources for clear

and easy-to-understand illustrations and images of scientific

processes. Pictures of people at sea are great for showing

young people why a career in oceanography can be exciting!

I assign and discuss Oceanography articles that are relevant

to courses and lectures. The fact that the articles are by prac-

ticing scientists but (usually) written at a level that engages

undergraduates makes them useful to introduce students to

the topic and primary literature.

I use them as current review articles in classes “Biological

Oceanography” and “Anthropogenic Changes in the Ocean.”

Oceanography has very didactic graphs and concentrated,

but simple to understand texts. Maybe you could describe it

as a wide-ranging, up to date Oceanography textbook.

Many of the articles are concise summaries that are espe-

cially appropriate for lower division introductory classes.

We regularly use TOS articles for our first year graduate stu-

dents taking our topic-driven seminar class. The TOS articles

are excellent for overview material that the students must

then flesh out with additional readings from the literature

and then present meeting style presentation and then lead

follow-up discussion.

I have consistently recommended the articles to the commu-

nity college instructors in professional development activities

that I undertake.

I particularly like the “big picture” articles for classroom set-

tings. For example, there was a special issue several years

ago on larval dispersal. Much of the provided information

included basic concepts in the field that aren’t readily avail-

able in a BioOce textbook.

Special issues are great for framing an issue, especially for

instructors with high teaching loads who might not otherwise

have much time to research a topic.

Oceanography special issues are great compendiums of

articles on a single topic—bathymetry, ice-ocean exchange,

etc.—and these are really helpful for getting students up to

speed on a topic.

I find that they provide great summaries on a lot of topics for

my students as well as for myself when I prepare lectures.

The graphics are usually high quality and illustrate broader

concepts, which are great for classroom lectures.

The articles are available to all students and have become

staples in my graduate classes. I have and continue to use

too many to list here.

QUESTION 3. Tell us more about how you use Oceanography articles or special issues in the classroom or

for other educational purposes such as informing policymakers or management. Please name specific special

issues or articles that you have found most useful for classroom discussions. 

TABLE 1. Selection of Responses to Question 3 from November 2017 Online Survey of TOS Members (n = 143)

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