Oceanography | December 2017
VOL.30, NO.4, DECEMBER 2017
Special Issue
Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology at the
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4
Oceanography | December 2017
VOL. 30, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2017
FROM THE GUEST EDITORS. Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science
and Technology at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
By F.P. Chavez, P.G. Brewer, and C.A. Scholin
The Coevolution of Midwater Research and ROV Technology at MBARI
By B.H. Robison, K.R. Reisenbichler, and R.E. Sherlock
Insights into the Biodiversity, Behavior, and Bioluminescence of Deep-Sea
Organisms Using Molecular and Maritime Technology
By S.H.D. Haddock, L.M. Christianson, W.R. Francis, S. Martini, C.W. Dunn, P.R. Pugh,
C.E. Mills, K.J. Osborn, B.A. Seibel, C.A. Choy, C.E. Schnitzler, G.I. Matsumoto,
M. Messié, D.T. Schultz, J.R. Winnikoff, M.L. Powers, R. Gasca, W.E. Browne,
S. Johnsen, K.L. Schlining, S. von Thun, B.E. Erwin, J.F. Ryan, and E.V. Thuesen
Creating the Art of Deep-Sea Experimental Chemistry with MBARI ROVs
By P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, P.M. Walz, and W.J. Kirkwood
Chasing the Future: How Will Ocean Change Affect Marine Life?
By J.P. Barry, D. Graves, C. Kecy, C. Lovera, C. Okuda, C.A. Boch, and J.P. Lord
Evolution of Monitoring an Abyssal Time-Series Station in the Northeast
Pacific Over 28 Years
By K.L. Smith Jr., A.D. Sherman, P.R. McGill, R.G. Henthorn, J. Ferreira, and
C.L. Huffard
High-Resolution AUV Mapping and Targeted ROV Observations of
Three Historical Lava Flows at Axial Seamount
By D.A. Clague, J.B. Paduan, D.W. Caress, W.W. Chadwick Jr., M. Le Saout,
B.M. Dreyer, and R.A. Portner
100 The Quest to Develop Ecogenomic Sensors: A 25-Year History of the
Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) as a Case Study
By C.A. Scholin, J. Birch, S. Jensen, R. Marin III, E. Massion, D. Pargett, C. Preston,
B. Roman, and W. Ussler III
Hourly In Situ Nitrate on a Coastal Mooring: A 15-Year Record and Insights
into New Production
By C.M. Sakamoto, K.S. Johnson, L.J. Coletti, T.L. Maurer, G. Massion, J.T. Pennington,
J.N. Plant, H.W. Jannasch, and F.P. Chavez
128 Climate Variability and Change: Response of a Coastal Ocean Ecosystem
By F.P. Chavez, J.T. Pennington, R.P. Michisaki, M. Blum, G.M. Chavez, J. Friederich,
B. Jones, R. Herlien, B. Kieft, B. Hobson, A.S. Ren, J. Ryan, J.C. Sevadjian, C. Wahl,
K.R. Walz, K. Yamahara, G.E. Friederich, and M. Messié
Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology
at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Oceanography | December 2017
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4
The Oceanography Society
1 Research Court, Suite 450
Rockville, MD 20850 USA
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Please send corrections to magazine@tos.org.
Corrections will be printed in the next issue
of Oceanography.
Production of this issue of Oceanography was
supported by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Research Institute through funds provided by
the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
• Francisco Chavez, MBARI
• Peter Brewer, MBARI
• Chris Scholin, MBARI
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4
(1) MBARI ROV Ventana in MBARI’s 375,000-gallon test tank in Moss Landing, California (Photo by
Todd Walsh). (2) Aerial view of MBARI campus in Moss Landing, California (Photo by Todd Walsh).
(3) MBARI ROV Tiburon video frame grab of Tiburonia granrojo, a new species of jelly discovered
and described by scientists at MBARI. (4) ROV Tiburon video frame grab of manipulator arm col-
lection of coral samples from Davidson Seamount. (5) MBARI R/V Rachel Carson on Monterey Bay
(Photo by Todd Walsh). (6) ROV Tiburon video frame grab of Vampyroteuthis infernalis, the vampire
squid. (7) MBARI R/V Western Flyer (Photo by Todd Walsh). (8) Illustration of emergent marine tech-
nology by Kelly Lance ©MBARI. (9) CTD recovery on R/V Western Flyer (Photo by Debbie Meyer).
(10) The Monterey Submarine Canyon based on multibeam bathymetric data ©MBARI. (11) ROV con-
trol room aboard R/V Rachel Carson (Photo by Kyra Schlining). (12) ROV Tiburon frame grab of an
undescribed comb jelly in the genus Lampocteis. (13) ROV Ventana video frame grab of Macropinna
microstoma, the barreleye fish. (14) LRAUV being deployed from R/V Paragon (© Kip Evans 2015).
(15) ROV Tiburon video frame grab of Laser Raman Spectrometer, DORISS, making measurements
at a seafloor vent.
QUARTERDECK. Using Oceanography in the Classroom—Insight from a
Survey of TOS Members
By E.S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT. Educating Undergraduates About the Ocean
By A.C. Mix
MILESTONES. Thank You, Walter Munk, for Being There at the Beginning
By M. Briscoe
STUDENT PERSPECTIVE. Becoming an Ocean Advocate Through
Experiential Learning
By K. Dubickas and A. Ilich
RIPPLE MARKS. Birds with Fins, Fish with Wings: Pondering Penguins’
By C.L. Dybas
US Academic Fleet to Serve Undergraduates from Diverse Backgrounds
By S.K. Cooper and J.C. Lewis
149 CAREER PROFILES. Katherine Brodie, Research Oceanographer, US Army
Engineer Research and Development Center • Nicole Raineault, Vice
President of Exploration and Science Operations, Ocean Exploration Trust
Oceanography | December 2017
Ellen S. Kappel
Geosciences Professional Services Inc.
5610 Gloster Road
Bethesda, MD 20816 USA
t: (1) 301-229-2709
Contributing Writer
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
Oceanography (ISSN 1042-8275) is published by The Oceanography Society,
1 Research Court, Suite 450, Rockville, MD 20850 USA. ©2017 The Oceanography
Society Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for individuals to copy articles
from this magazine for personal use in teaching and research, and to use figures, tables,
and short quotes from the magazine for republication in scientific books and journals.
There is no charge for any of these uses, but the material must be cited appropriately.
Republication, systemic reproduction, or collective redistribution of any material in
Oceanography is permitted only with the approval of The Oceanography Society.
Please contact Jennifer Ramarui at info@tos.org.
Gregg J. Brunskill
84 Alligator Creek Road
Alligator Creek, Queensland 4816
Margaret L. (Peggy) Delaney
Vice Chancellor
Planning and Budget
Santa Cruz
Kerr Hall, Rm. 209
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA
t: (1) 831-459-4317
Charles H. Greene
Director, Ocean Resources &
Ecosystems Program
Professor, Department of Earth &
Atmospheric Sciences
Cornell University
4120 Snee Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701 USA
t: (1) 607 275-1662
Kiyoshi Suyehiro
Principal Scientist
Research and Development Center
for Earthquake and Tsunami
Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Yokohama, Japan
t: (81) 45-778-5800
James Syvitski
Executive Director of CSDMS
and Professor
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1560 30th Street, Campus Box 450
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t: (1) 303-735-5482
Peter Wadhams
Department of Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
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t: (44) 1223-760372
Johanna Adams
Assistant Editor
Vicky Cullen
PO Box 687
West Falmouth, MA 02574 USA
t: (1) 508-548-1027
Associate Editors
The Oceanography Society was founded in 1988
to advance oceanographic research, technology,
and education, and to disseminate knowledge of
oceanography and its application through research
and education. TOS promotes the broad under-
standing of oceanography, facilitates consensus
building across all the disciplines of the field, and
informs the public about ocean research, innova-
tive technology, and educational opportunities
throughout the spectrum of oceanographic inquiry.
TREASURER: Susan Banahan
AT-LARGE: Dennis McGillicuddy
EDUCATION: Lee Karp-Boss
Jennifer Ramarui
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» http://www.teledynemarine.com/rdi
The Oceanography Society
1 Research Court, Suite 450
Rockville, MD 20850 USA
t: (1) 301-251-7708
f: (1) 301-251-7709
email: info@tos.org
Oceanography | December 2017
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4
In connection with The Oceanography Society’s thirtieth anni-
versary in mid- November, TOS sent members an email request-
ing that they complete a short survey to enable us to under-
stand how they have used Oceanography magazine to support
the Society mission to advance education in the ocean sciences.
The survey contained just three questions:
1. Have you ever assigned Oceanography articles in the class-
room as a basis for discussion?
2. Have you used graphics from Oceanography articles in your
3. Tell us more about how you use Oceanography articles or spe-
cial issues in the classroom or for other educational purposes
such as informing policymakers or management. Please
name specific special issues or articles that you have found
most useful for classroom discussions.
We limited the survey to three questions to maximize the
number of respondents, and restricted the survey to TOS mem-
bers to keep things simple and ensure a rapid response. We were
rewarded. As of November 29, and within two weeks of its post-
ing, 200 TOS members had taken the survey.
Figures 1 and 2 show the responses to the simple multiple
choice questions. Figure 1 shows that nearly half of the survey
respondents have used one or more Oceanography articles in the
classroom during a semester, with most in the one-to-three arti-
cle range. Figure 2 shows that about 60% of respondents have
used Oceanography graphics in lectures, with a considerable
percentage—13.5%—using more than four graphics. These
numbers are very satisfying and demonstrate that Oceanography
is widely used for educational purposes. One note of caution
about these numbers, though: we know from the Question 3
responses that several student members completed the survey,
so the number of “never” responses may be artificially high.
After the two simple warm-up questions, the “essay question”—
Question 3—provided exactly the sort of specific information
we were seeking about how TOS members use Oceanography for
education and outreach purposes. Table 1 is a small selection of
several of the 143 responses we received to Question 3, edited
to fit. In addition to the classroom uses of Oceanography arti-
cles described in Table 1, one response said that they “display
Oceanography in our undergraduate office where we meet pro-
spective students and their parents. It is a wonderful conversa-
tion starter.” Another said: “I use it as an advising tool to ori-
ent students interested in careers in marine science.” Another
member wrote: “Occasionally use graphics to support new
program briefs to management.” Yet another member wrote:
“Provide issues from time to time to US Congressperson from
my Congressional District, US Senators from my state and Staff
(mainly for the staff).” All of the responses will be very useful in
helping TOS articulate the broader impacts of Oceanography to
current and future sponsors. The answers also provided some
ideas about how we may improve the usefulness of articles and
graphics—for example, by providing individual graphics that are
easily downloaded for classroom use.
Using Oceanography in the Classroom—
Insight from a Survey of TOS Members
FIGURE 1. Responses from TOS members to Question 1 (n = 200).
FIGURE 2. Responses from TOS members to Question 2 (n = 200).
QUESTION 2. Have you used graphics from
Oceanography articles in your lectures?
One to three graphics
in one semester
More than four graphics
in one semester
QUESTION 1. Have you ever assigned Oceanography
articles in the classroom as a basis for discussion?
One to three articles
in one semester
More than four articles
in one semester
Oceanography | December 2017
Thanks to all of the TOS members who participated in the
survey. We were truly overwhelmed by the response. If you did
not receive the survey email, or forgot to respond, we would still
like to hear from you, especially regarding Question 3. You can
email me your response at ekappel@geo-prose.com, or if you
are attending the Ocean Sciences Meeting in February, please
come by the TOS booth and share your stories about how you
use Oceanography in the classroom and also how we might make
the magazine more useful for educational purposes. For those of
you who responded to the survey online and will be attending
the Ocean Sciences Meeting, come to the TOS booth and chat
with us anyway—and also collect your extra beverage coupon.
Ellen S. Kappel, Editor
I have used graphics from Oceanography in many lec-
tures over the years. It’s one of the best sources for clear
and easy-to-understand illustrations and images of scientific
processes. Pictures of people at sea are great for showing
young people why a career in oceanography can be exciting!
I assign and discuss Oceanography articles that are relevant
to courses and lectures. The fact that the articles are by prac-
ticing scientists but (usually) written at a level that engages
undergraduates makes them useful to introduce students to
the topic and primary literature.
I use them as current review articles in classes “Biological
Oceanography” and “Anthropogenic Changes in the Ocean.”
Oceanography has very didactic graphs and concentrated,
but simple to understand texts. Maybe you could describe it
as a wide-ranging, up to date Oceanography textbook.
Many of the articles are concise summaries that are espe-
cially appropriate for lower division introductory classes.
We regularly use TOS articles for our first year graduate stu-
dents taking our topic-driven seminar class. The TOS articles
are excellent for overview material that the students must
then flesh out with additional readings from the literature
and then present meeting style presentation and then lead
follow-up discussion.
I have consistently recommended the articles to the commu-
nity college instructors in professional development activities
that I undertake.
I particularly like the “big picture” articles for classroom set-
tings. For example, there was a special issue several years
ago on larval dispersal. Much of the provided information
included basic concepts in the field that aren’t readily avail-
able in a BioOce textbook.
Special issues are great for framing an issue, especially for
instructors with high teaching loads who might not otherwise
have much time to research a topic.
Oceanography special issues are great compendiums of
articles on a single topic—bathymetry, ice-ocean exchange,
etc.—and these are really helpful for getting students up to
speed on a topic.
I find that they provide great summaries on a lot of topics for
my students as well as for myself when I prepare lectures.
The graphics are usually high quality and illustrate broader
concepts, which are great for classroom lectures.
The articles are available to all students and have become
staples in my graduate classes. I have and continue to use
too many to list here.
QUESTION 3. Tell us more about how you use Oceanography articles or special issues in the classroom or
for other educational purposes such as informing policymakers or management. Please name specific special
issues or articles that you have found most useful for classroom discussions.
TABLE 1. Selection of Responses to Question 3 from November 2017 Online Survey of TOS Members (n = 143)
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4
Among members of the ocean sciences
research community, everyone recog-
nizes the importance of the ocean, such
as its role in the climate system and
our economy. We understand that the
ocean provides critical food and energy
resources, routes for commerce, sites
for recreation, and much more. And we
know that beneath the seafloor, move-
ment of descending tectonic plates causes
some of the most devastating earth-
quakes and volcanoes. Yet much of the
public knows few or none of these fun-
damental facts. This lack of basic sci-
entific knowledge outside of academia
about the earth plays no small role in the
decline of funding for the ocean sciences
over the past few decades. In the long
run, our research programs will thrive
only if the public understands and val-
ues the need for exploration, discovery,
and study to better understand and care
for our planet. This speaks to the impor-
tance of our role as educators beyond our
traditional focus on research and gradu-
ate education, and our responsibility to
develop creative programs that both edu-
cate undergraduates about ocean topics,
and also provide tangible skills that they
can use when pursing jobs.
At least in the United States, it was
long thought that practicing oceanog-
raphers first needed an undergradu-
ate degree in one of the so-called “basic”
sciences—physics, chemistry, biology,
or geology. Relatively few universities
offered undergraduate courses in ocean-
ography. In much of academia, ocean-
ography remains a research-intensive,
applied field. Those attitudes are chang-
ing. Many undergraduates who are not
interested in becoming working ocean-
ographers would be motivated to learn
fundamental scientific concepts through
ocean examples. The ocean is a great
vehicle for teaching systems thinking—
its study demands interdisciplinary con-
nections and can make abstract scientific
concepts tangible for many students.
I recently conducted a highly nonscien-
tific survey about undergraduate ocean-
ography programs and heard from some
wonderfully dedicated educators who are
engaging undergraduates through expe-
riential learning. Here are a few examples
from the responses I received.
University of South Carolina School of
Earth, Ocean and Environment reported
on an exciting experimental program in a
“living and learning” community, includ-
ing an opportunity to live in a Green
Quad Dorm. Their non-major classes
are very popular, reaching thousands
of students each semester. The commu-
nity emphasizes laboratory and field
experiences. Claudia noted that while
“hands-on” classes are more expensive
to run than lectures, they are worth the
cost. The benefits of experiential learning
transcend any topic or any facts, because
these classes teach curiosity and creativ-
ity, and provide a toolkit for lifelong dis-
covery and learning—exactly the kind
of things needed for productive employ-
ment in any field.
The University of Washington School
of Oceanography—my alma mater—has
always had a strong experiential learn-
ing component to its undergraduate pro-
gram. With ready accessibility to Puget
Sound, the university’s enviable loca-
tion offers a wealth of opportunities for
hands-on discovery of ocean topics,
and its program includes opportunities
for students to work at sea. Tansy Clay
Burns at the University of Washington
wrote to me that, in addition to attracting
ocean sciences majors with a BS degree,
Educating Undergraduates
About the Ocean
New “old salts” returning from Research Experience for Undergraduates cruise aboard
R/V Oceanus, June 2017. Photo credit: Alan C. Mix
Oceanography | December 2017
the school includes options for a BA and
minors such as oceanography, climate,
Arctic studies, and ocean technology
attached to various other programs. The
program is reaching out to fill a variety of
needs, including attracting students who
might want to learn more about the ocean
while pursuing other career paths.
My own institution, Oregon State
University, is starting an innovative pro-
gram called the Marine Studies Initiative.
Note the word “studies” rather than
“science” in the name: the program is a
collaboration between the College of
Liberal Arts and the College of Earth,
Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences in a
university-wide commitment to extend
the reach of marine topics into areas of
arts, literature, and elsewhere. This ini-
tiative also includes a residential compo-
nent in which the students can spend a
few terms living by the ocean and absorb-
ing its rhythms. The goal is to engage stu-
dents who might not think of themselves
as oceanographers by using the ocean
examples for addressing global prob-
lems, from climate change, to coastal pol-
lution, to food from the sea. The State of
Oregon has contributed funds to make
sure students—including those from
diverse backgrounds who might not have
contemplated marine studies—can expe-
rience the ocean. Regardless of whether
these students become oceanographers,
they gain knowledge about the ocean and
the earth that will be useful in their future
careers and lives.
These programs in South Carolina,
Washington, and Oregon are just a few
examples of ongoing experiments in
ocean education. Other institutions
around the world also have excellent
programs for undergraduates and for
the public. Nevertheless, as a field we
could do far more. Experiential learn-
ing is labor intensive and expensive, and
it is difficult to scale hands-on programs
to reach a large number of students. But
overcoming these challenges is critical
to our work and to the people it benefits.
Our traditionally strong research pro-
grams are an asset that can be leveraged
for experience-based education, and in
turn an educated public will understand
the long-term needs of fundamental dis-
covery related to the ocean and many
other fields—research that in the long
run fuels economic vitality and inter-
national understanding.
The Oceanography Society would like
to facilitate the sharing of information
about undergraduate oceanography pro-
grams, including options for non-majors,
so that we can all learn from each other’s
successes and failures, develop best prac-
tices, and inspire new and innovative
undergraduate classes and programs. A
good place to get started thinking about
this topic is through reading the nearly
two decades of “The Oceanography
Oceanography that are written by expe-
rienced and creative undergraduate edu-
cators (see https://tos.org/classroom). If
you would like to join a TOS commit-
tee on undergraduate education, let’s talk.
Your ideas are welcome.
Alan C. Mix, TOS President
Upcoming in
March 2018
Ocean Observatories Initiative
June 2018
Ocean Warming
September 2018 — Double Issue
Mathematical Aspects of
Physical Oceanography
Gulf of San Jorge,
Patagonia, Argentina
December 2018
Scientific Ocean Drilling:
Looking to the Future
March 2019
Salinity Processes in the Upper
ocean Regional Study (SPURS) – 2
Do you have an idea for a special issue
of Oceanography? Please send your
suggestions to Editor Ellen Kappel
at ekappel@geo-prose.com.
Oceanography | December 2017
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4
Thank You, Walter Munk,
for Being There at the Beginning
Walter Munk turned 100 on October 19, 2017. I first met Walter
almost half a century ago, when I was a young scientist work-
ing in Europe, and was in the process of changing my focus
from fluid mechanics to physical oceanography. At that time,
an older European colleague told me that there were just two
real oceanographers in the United States: Henry Stommel and
Walter Munk. Over the past 50 years, I’ve had the satisfac-
tion of working down the hallway from Henry (at Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution), and of having contact with Walter
on a fair number of occasions. In addition to being a gregari-
ous and engaging gentleman, Walter has been an inspiring and
enthusiastic colleague to many of us, and a formative presence
to more than a few.
Walter played an important role in the creation of The
Oceanography Society. His eclectic approach to oceanogra-
phy and his penchant for speaking and writing simply, directly,
and clearly so that many, rather than just a few, could under-
stand him were already legendary—and inspired the mission of
Oceanography magazine. In our initial inquiries to colleagues
in 1987 prior to forming TOS, Walter was encouraging about
the Society’s goals and structure. In his closing remarks at the
Inaugural Meeting of TOS in 1989, he commented, “It is time for
the oceanographic disciplines to come together. It is time for an
Oceanography Society.” His full remarks are in Oceanography,
volume 2, number 2 (https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1989.19);
that issue also contains his initial article about the Heard Island
Experiment (https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1989.10), which
is a long story in and of itself. (I worked closely with Walter
through the Heard Island years, and we both learned a lot about
whales.) The 1989 article was Walter’s second in Oceanography;
his first was in volume 1, number 1, on ocean acoustic tomogra-
phy (https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1988.31). Over the years,
Walter has authored 14 submissions to Oceanography and has
been mentioned in the magazine over 200 times. Articles writ-
ten by or mentioning Walter now have more than 350,000 hits
on Google. And he is still working, on wind waves as it turns out,
a fitting return to one of his early successes: predicting the wave
conditions for the D-Day invasion of Normandy.
Walter is a strikingly gracious gentleman who has had an
enormous positive impact on our science and on the people
he has encountered, myself included. A recent biography and
tribute that appeared in 2016 in Acoustics Today (Volume 12,
pages 36–42) provides more context for these statements; no
need to repeat them here. Those of us working in oceanogra-
phy today are fortunate to have his personality and his intel-
lect as part of our culture. And TOS is fortunate to have had
his sincere and continuing interest in the success of our Society.
Carry on, Walter!
Mel Briscoe (mel@oceangeeks.com) is President, OceanGeeks LLC,
Alexandria, VA, USA.
Briscoe, M. 2017. Thank you, Walter Munk, for being there at the beginning.
Oceanography 30(4):8, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2017.402.
By Mel Briscoe
Photo by Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications