December 2017

Special Issue on Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4

In connection with The Oceanography Society’s thirtieth anni-

versary in mid- November, TOS sent members an email request-

ing that they complete a short survey to enable us to under-

stand how they have used Oceanography magazine to support

the Society mission to advance education in the ocean sciences.

The survey contained just three questions:

1. Have you ever assigned Oceanography articles in the class-

room as a basis for discussion?

2. Have you used graphics from Oceanography articles in your


3. Tell us more about how you use Oceanography articles or spe-

cial issues in the classroom or for other educational purposes

such as informing policymakers or management. Please

name specific special issues or articles that you have found

most useful for classroom discussions.

We limited the survey to three questions to maximize the

number of respondents, and restricted the survey to TOS mem-

bers to keep things simple and ensure a rapid response. We were

rewarded. As of November 29, and within two weeks of its post-

ing, 200 TOS members had taken the survey.

Figures 1 and 2 show the responses to the simple multiple

choice questions. Figure 1 shows that nearly half of the survey

respondents have used one or more Oceanography articles in the

classroom during a semester, with most in the one-to-three arti-

cle range. Figure 2 shows that about 60% of respondents have

used Oceanography graphics in lectures, with a considerable

percentage—13.5%—using more than four graphics. These

numbers are very satisfying and demonstrate that Oceanography

is widely used for educational purposes. One note of caution

about these numbers, though: we know from the Question 3

responses that several student members completed the survey,

so the number of “never” responses may be artificially high.

After the two simple warm-up questions, the “essay question”—

Question 3—provided exactly the sort of specific information

we were seeking about how TOS members use Oceanography for

education and outreach purposes. Table 1 is a small selection of

several of the 143 responses we received to Question 3, edited

to fit. In addition to the classroom uses of Oceanography arti-

cles described in Table 1, one response said that they “display

Oceanography in our undergraduate office where we meet pro-

spective students and their parents. It is a wonderful conversa-

tion starter.” Another said: “I use it as an advising tool to ori-

ent students interested in careers in marine science.” Another

member wrote: “Occasionally use graphics to support new

program briefs to management.” Yet another member wrote:

“Provide issues from time to time to US Congressperson from

my Congressional District, US Senators from my state and Staff

(mainly for the staff).” All of the responses will be very useful in

helping TOS articulate the broader impacts of Oceanography to

current and future sponsors. The answers also provided some

ideas about how we may improve the usefulness of articles and

graphics—for example, by providing individual graphics that are

easily downloaded for classroom use.

Using Oceanography in the Classroom—

Insight from a Survey of TOS Members


FIGURE 1. Responses from TOS members to Question 1 (n = 200).

FIGURE 2. Responses from TOS members to Question 2 (n = 200).

QUESTION 2. Have you used graphics from

Oceanography articles in your lectures?


One to three graphics

in one semester

More than four graphics

in one semester




QUESTION 1. Have you ever assigned Oceanography

articles in the classroom as a basis for discussion?


One to three articles

in one semester

More than four articles

in one semester




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