December 2017

Special Issue on Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4

Among members of the ocean sciences

research community, everyone recog-

nizes the importance of the ocean, such

as its role in the climate system and

our economy. We understand that the

ocean provides critical food and energy

resources, routes for commerce, sites

for recreation, and much more. And we

know that beneath the seafloor, move-

ment of descending tectonic plates causes

some of the most devastating earth-

quakes and volcanoes. Yet much of the

public knows few or none of these fun-

damental facts. This lack of basic sci-

entific knowledge outside of academia

about the earth plays no small role in the

decline of funding for the ocean sciences

over the past few decades. In the long

run, our research programs will thrive

only if the public understands and val-

ues the need for exploration, discovery,

and study to better understand and care

for our planet. This speaks to the impor-

tance of our role as educators beyond our

traditional focus on research and gradu-

ate education, and our responsibility to

develop creative programs that both edu-

cate undergraduates about ocean topics,

and also provide tangible skills that they

can use when pursing jobs.

At least in the United States, it was

long thought that practicing oceanog-

raphers first needed an undergradu-

ate degree in one of the so-called “basic”

sciences—physics, chemistry, biology,

or geology. Relatively few universities

offered undergraduate courses in ocean-

ography. In much of academia, ocean-

ography remains a research-intensive,

applied field. Those attitudes are chang-

ing. Many undergraduates who are not

interested in becoming working ocean-

ographers would be motivated to learn

fundamental scientific concepts through

ocean examples. The ocean is a great

vehicle for teaching systems thinking—

its study demands interdisciplinary con-

nections and can make abstract scientific

concepts tangible for many students.

I recently conducted a highly nonscien-

tific survey about undergraduate ocean-

ography programs and heard from some

wonderfully dedicated educators who are

engaging undergraduates through expe-

riential learning. Here are a few examples

from the responses I received.





University of South Carolina School of

Earth, Ocean and Environment reported

on an exciting experimental program in a

“living and learning” community, includ-

ing an opportunity to live in a Green

Quad Dorm. Their non-major classes

are very popular, reaching thousands

of students each semester. The commu-

nity emphasizes laboratory and field

experiences. Claudia noted that while

“hands-on” classes are more expensive

to run than lectures, they are worth the

cost. The benefits of experiential learning

transcend any topic or any facts, because

these classes teach curiosity and creativ-

ity, and provide a toolkit for lifelong dis-

covery and learning—exactly the kind

of things needed for productive employ-

ment in any field.

The University of Washington School

of Oceanography—my alma mater—has

always had a strong experiential learn-

ing component to its undergraduate pro-

gram. With ready accessibility to Puget

Sound, the university’s enviable loca-

tion offers a wealth of opportunities for

hands-on discovery of ocean topics,

and its program includes opportunities

for students to work at sea. Tansy Clay

Burns at the University of Washington

wrote to me that, in addition to attracting

ocean sciences majors with a BS degree,

Educating Undergraduates

About the Ocean


New “old salts” returning from Research Experience for Undergraduates cruise aboard

R/V Oceanus, June 2017. Photo credit: Alan C. Mix

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