October 2023 | Oceanography
156 SIDEBAR. Building Unique Collaborative Global Marine CO2 Observatories
By S. Musielewicz, J. Osborne, S. Maenner Jones, R. Battisti, S. Dougherty, and R. Bott
158 Can Seasonal Forecasts of Ocean Conditions Aid Fishery Managers?
Experiences from 10 Years of J-SCOPE
By S.A. Siedlecki, S.R. Alin, E.L. Norton, N.A. Bond, A.J. Hermann, R.A. Feely,
and J.A. Newton
168 Climate Roles of Non-Sea Salt Sulfate and Sea Spray Aerosol in
the Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer: Highlights of 40 Years
of PMEL Research
By P.K. Quinn, T.S. Bates, D.J. Coffman, J.E. Johnson, and L.M. Upchurch
175 50 Years of PMEL Tsunami Research and Development
By E. Bernard, C. Meinig, V.V. Titov, and Y. Wei
186 Technology Transfer of PMEL Tsunami Research Protects Populations
and Expands the New Blue Economy
By V.V. Titov, C. Meinig, S. Stalin, Y. Wei, C. Moore, and E. Bernard
196 PMEL Passive Acoustics Research: Quantifying the Ocean Soundscape
from Whales to Wave Energy
By R.P. Dziak, H. Matsumoto, S. Haver, D.K. Mellinger, L. Roche, J.H. Haxel, S. Stalin,
C. Meinig, K. Kohlman, A. Sremba, J. Gedamke, L. Hatch, and S. Van Parijs
206 SPOTLIGHT. The PMEL Earth-Ocean Interactions Program: Beyond Vents
By D.A. Butterfield, S.L. Walker, T. Baumberger, J. Beeson, J. Resing, S.G. Merle,
A. Antriasian, K. Roe, G.-S. Lu, P. Barrett, and W.W. Chadwick Jr.
212 SPOTLIGHT. MAPR: PMEL’s Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorder
By S.L. Walker
216 Accelerating Research and Development in the US Arctic: Reflections
on a NOAA Program
By H.M. Tabisola, C.W. Mordy, and S. Stalin
5 QUARTERDECK. Introducing Exciting New Publishing Possibilities with
Oceanography Flipbooks
By E.S. Kappel
222 FROM THE TOS JEDI COMMITTEE. Unpaid Internships Are a Barrier to
Diverse and Equitable Recruitment in Marine Science
By A.M. Kreuser, A.L. Bishop, and E.L. Meyer-Gutbrod
225 THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM. Activity Bingo: Nudging Students to
Make the Most Out of Fieldwork
By M.S. Glessmer, L. Latuta, F. Saltalamacchia, and K. Daae
229 CAREER PROFILES. Douglas Bell, Environmental Protection Specialist,
Chesapeake Bay Program, US Environmental Protection Agency |
Regina Guazzo, Oceanographer and Outreach Lead, Whale Acoustic
Reconnaissance Project, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
The Oceanography Society
1 Research Court, Suite 450-117
Rockville, MD 20850 USA
t: (1) 301-251-7708
October 2023 | Oceanography
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