December 2015

Special Issue: A New Look at the Low-Latitude Western Pacific

Oceanography | December 2015

Ellen S. Kappel, Editor

opportunities for your colleagues, and pro-

vide support when they need it. Don’t be

that guy or gal who is only in touch when

they need something.

— Maria G. Honeycutt

Feel free to set up informational interviews

with organizations that interest you—

you’ll be amazed at what you can learn

in a half hour.

— Jon Kaye

Talk with as many people from as diverse

a network as possible. After each informa-

tional interview, a good practice is to ask

the person you spoke with to recommend a

few others with whom you can speak…It is

a great way to learn about jobs and career

paths that you may not have known about,

to establish a professional network, and

even to find your potential job. — Winnie Lau


Practice public speaking, learn to write,

and, ideally, take an improvisational act-

ing course—or do all three. I cannot over-

emphasize the importance of being able to

persuasively make an argument or present

a compelling story around a set of data in

person or through writing. These skills are

absolutely essential to success as a researcher

or in most nontraditional career paths for

scientists that I know.

— Heather Deese

If you think you might be interested in oper-

ational oceanography, realize that we do

not do everything in Matlab. Shell script-

ing, command-line-based packages such

as GMT, languages like Perl or Python,

C or Fortran, familiarity with formats like

NetCDF, HDF, and relational databases,

services like OPeNDAP and revision con-

trol systems like CVS, RCS, or git—these

are all valuable skills and well within the

grasp of someone getting a PhD in a quan-

titative science.

— Deirdre Byrne


I’ve reviewed enough applications for vari-

ous positions to feel the need to include the

following: when applying for a position, be

absolutely certain that your application is

well written, clear, and to the point. Make

certain that there are no typos or gram-

matical errors in your CV and especially

in your cover letter. It’s astounding to me

how many one-page cover letters have glar-

ing errors that reflect a lack of care and will

nearly always disqualify any application.

Finally, if you reach the interview stage,

go in with the attitude that the job is yours

to lose, because, really, it is. Be engaging

and interested, and arrive having done

your homework on the position. Most

importantly, have a very good answer ready

as to why you’re interested in the position,

because that’s one question you’re sure to be

asked. Being interested and personable are

critical to a successful interview—always

remember that those interviewing you are

not only assessing your qualifications for

the position but are also evaluating you as

a potential colleague. In my opinion, the

key to a successful interview is not only to

show why you are the most qualified per-

son for the position but also to come across

as someone with whom the interviewers

would want to work.

— Robert L. Burger

Keep an online version of your professional

self up to date and easily accessible…If you

are seeking a nonacademic position, do

not circulate a CV. Instead, write a resume

with sections detailing your executive/

leadership, scientific, and technical qual-

ifications… When you present your work

to a potential nonacademic employer,

be careful to mention not only the scien-

tific results, but how you got there—did

you have to collaborate widely, strategize

a fallback plan when your original exper-

iments fell through, manage a budget,

organize a cruise?

— Deirdre A. Byrne

Because employers look for people who

know how to work and who demonstrate

that they can get along with others, some-

times in stressful work environments, your

references become one of the most important

parts of any job application. — Carol Janzen

Every time I submit a job application, I

refine my resume to make sure it is aligned

with the job description. The same is true

for cover letters. This step takes time, but

it’s critical in demonstrating that you are

qualified for the position.

— Kelly A. Kryc


If you are looking to move outside of aca-

demia, there are a few fellowship pro-

grams similar to the AAAS Science and

Technology Fellowship I  received that

can help open doors—such as the Knauss

Fellowship (also known as the Sea Grant

Fellowship), the Presidential Management

Fellowship, and ORISE (Oak Ridge Institute

for Science and Education) Fellowship with

the Environmental Protection Agency.

Even if you are not directly interested in

policy, it might be worthwhile to spend a

year or two in one of these fellowship pro-

grams because it can lead to many non-

policy opportunities, such as working for

a nonprofit organization on conservation

science, for a consulting firm, or for a gov-

ernment agency doing analysis.

— Winnie Lau

In the next issue of Oceanography, I’ll

summarize some of the most helpful

answers provided by the people we’ve pro-

filed to the question about what aspects of

their oceanographic education have been

useful in their jobs.

As a final note, remember that the

“Career Profiles” column requires a

steady stream of new and interesting

people to profile. Please send me sugges-

tions and email contact information (at for colleagues

who work “outside of academia” and who

might be willing to submit a profile. Self-

nominations are welcome. If the contri-

butions over the past five years are any

indication, we have not yet covered the

full range of job possibilities nor closed

the book on the wisdom of how to suc-

cessfully seek employment.

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