December 2015

Special Issue: A New Look at the Low-Latitude Western Pacific

The 2015 Munk Award

is Presented to Carl Wunsch

On November 4, 2015, Dr. Carl Wunsch

(Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology, and Visiting Professor,

Harvard University) was presented with

the Walter Munk Award for distinguished

research in oceanography related to sound

and the sea. This event took place during

the Acoustical Society of America Meeting

in Jacksonville, Florida. The citation for

Dr. Wunsch that will be included on the cer-

tificate signed by the Secretary of the Navy

is as follows:

Carl Wunsch is honored as one of the fathers

of ocean acoustic tomography and as a princi-

pal contributor to our understanding of the physical processes that affect the propagation

of sound in the sea. He adapted the machinery of inverse methods and ocean state esti-

mation to enable the use of using acoustic data to estimate the ocean sound-speed (and

by inference, temperature) field and to the interpretation of a wide variety of other ocean-

ographic data. He applied inverse methods to the data obtained in pioneering tomo-

graphic experiments and made seminal contributions to the theoretical developments

that underlie the field.

After the award presentation, Dr. Wunsch delivered the Munk Award lecture. He

will also deliver a lecture during the awards session at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in

New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday morning, February 24, 2016.


The Oceanography Society, the Office

of Naval Research, and the Office of the

Oceanographer of the Navy jointly grant

the Walter Munk Award. Recipients are

selected based on their:

• Significant original contributions to the

understanding of physical ocean pro-

cesses related to sound in the sea

• Significant original contributions to the

application of acoustic methods to that


• Outstanding




research in ocean science and instru-

mentation contributing to the above

The award consists of a medal designed

by Judith Munk, a commemorative lapel

pin, and a certificate bearing the signa-

tures of the Secretary of the Navy and the

President of The Oceanography Society.

The nomination deadline for the next

award is March 31, 2017. All nomi-

nations should be submitted either

in MS Word or Adobe PDF format to

Left to right: Robert Headrick, Carl Wunsch,

and Peter Worcester


What’s Right and What’s Wrong with Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences?

Please join us for a lively discussion among panelists, grad-

uate students, early career scientists, faculty members, and

deans that will focus on new directions and innovations that

could improve or even transform graduate education in the

ocean sciences. Discussion will focus on potential changes to

graduate student training that would better prepare stu-

dents for a variety of careers in this changing job market, and

on how the ocean science community might work across

institutions and universities to effect these changes. Bring

your ideas for building stronger marine science programs.

Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

6:30–7:30 pm

Morial Convention Center Rooms 211–213

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