September 2024

This issue includes Machine Learning in Ocean Remote Sensing, The AMOC Examined, Gulf of Maine Cold Wave, Metocean Data in Support of Offshore Wind Energy, and more...

September 2024 | Oceanography

than the historical Labrador source water

of the early 2000s. Tis is consistent with

warming in the upstream source region.

At a time when North Atlantic sur-

face temperatures were broadly break-

ing record warming levels during 2023

(Hobday et al., 2023), Gulf of Maine sur-

face conditions were running just a little

above average. Meanwhile, a shif toward

an input of Labrador Slope Water that

began setting up during the fall of 2023

was detectable in the subsurface waters

(Figure 1c). Conditions in 2024 have been

consistently within the temperature and

salinity ranges that characterize the pre-

2011 period—conditions that had not

been recorded since before the heatwave.

Based on long-term climate projec-

tions, we expect the water mass input

to shif at some point back toward the

previous warm and salty conditions

(Brickman et  al., 2021). However, we

do not know when or how quickly that

return will occur. Because of the large

volume of water and its separation from

the atmosphere, such deep-water condi-

tions carry a lot of thermal inertia. More

importantly, the winter and spring ocean-

ographic conditions at depth have histor-

ically had strong associations with how

the biology of the Gulf of Maine devel-

ops over the summer. Efects can con-

tinue into autumn, as vertical mixing

carries deep waters to the surface. Tus,

these conditions can serve as an early sig-

nal for potential ecological shifs in the

coming months whose possible efects are

described below.


primary prey of these critically endan-

gered whales, the copepod Calanus

fnmarchicus, is strongly infuenced by

the supply and conditions set up by these

same deep-water dynamics. During the

historic cold, fresh years, C. fnmarchicus

was abundant in the eastern Gulf of

Maine, and large numbers of right whales

would aggregate annually in late sum-

mer to feed. Following the heatwave, the

prey supply declined sharply and right

whales began foraging elsewhere, leading

to a complex chain of events that chal-

lenge our ability to manage this species

and the human activities that threaten

it (Davies and Brillant, 2019). Because

of the timeframe of oceanographic sup-

ply and C. fnmarchicus ontogeny, these

FIGURE 1. (a) Location of the Jordan Basin buoy (dot) and the general path of Labrador Slope Water into the Gulf of Maine superimposed on the winter

2024 sea surface temperature anomaly (January–March Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature [OISST] anomaly from the 30-year mean, °C).

(b) Annual mean temperature and salinity conditions at 250 m depth in Jordan Basin. Gray lines show the range of monthly mean values. (c) Monthly

temperature and salinity anomalies at 250 m depth in Jordan Basin. Missing values are times when no data were collected by the instrumentation.


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