September 2024

This issue includes Machine Learning in Ocean Remote Sensing, The AMOC Examined, Gulf of Maine Cold Wave, Metocean Data in Support of Offshore Wind Energy, and more...

Oceanography | Vol. 37, No. 3

late summer declines were preceded by

spring shifs in deep-water conditions

(Record et  al., 2019). Tere is no guar-

antee that a return to pre-heatwave con-

ditions will resupply C. fnmarchicus to

the eastern Gulf of Maine, as the rela-

tive importance of supply versus local

dynamics is still uncertain (Pershing and

Kemberling, 2024). However, in either

case, it is a shif that we should be look-

ing out for, given the sensitive state of

this management issue. Targeted whale

or zooplankton surveys would be help-

ful, as well as coordinated communica-

tion among those with eyes on the water

for opportunistic sightings.

AMERICAN LOBSTERS. Deep-water con-

ditions in spring strongly infuence the

timing of molt and inshore migration and

rates of post-settlement survival (Goode

et  al., 2019) of the American lobster—

a species that supports a nearly billion-

dollar fshery. Changes in this phenol-

ogy can drive big swings in prices, and

because of the strong dependence on

temperature, deep waters in spring are

predictive of molt timing (Mills et  al.,

2017). Based on the predictive power of

spring bottom temperatures, a success-

ful forecasting strategy was developed,

but operational forecasts were stopped

at the request of the industry (Pershing

et  al., 2018). Deep-water temperatures

in the coastal zone have not yet cooled

to pre-heatwave conditions, but they are

getting close. Such a signifcant shif in

deep-water dynamics should be moni-

tored for its efects on stock dynamics. In

addition to ongoing buoy observations,

opportunistic water column profles

or bottom-moored thermistors would

fll gaps and give a more detailed map

of these dynamics.

KELP FORESTS. Deep-water conditions

also infuence the thermodynamics of

coastal waters where kelp forests prevail.

Such forests—which foster biodiversity,

fuel nearshore food webs, and underpin an

aquaculture industry—were widespread

at the turn of the twenty-frst century.

However, in response to unusually warm

springs and summers, forests in the

southwestern Gulf have since collapsed,

and forests in the northeast have become

less lush, with a loss of subarctic taxa

(Suskiewicz et  al., 2024). A tempo-

rary return to pre-heatwave conditions

is unlikely to foster recovery of south-

ern forests because they have shifed to a

novel, alternative stable state, but cooler

conditions may bring a banner year for

kelp recruitment in the north, given the

positive efects of “cold-priming” on kelp

reproduction and recruitment (Liesner

et al., 2020; Gauci et al., 2022). Te poten-

tial efects of cooling on kelp abundance

may take one or more years to manifest, so

continual ecosystem monitoring will be

necessary for understanding the impacts

of deep-water cooling on forest resilience.

Learning how to use oceanographic

conditions as early warnings is a multi-

decadal learning process. Ocean and cli-

mate surprises, generally defned as mis-

matches between the expectations and

the realities of changing conditions, have

the potential to drive changes in human

and natural systems (Pershing et  al.,

2019), and they have played a particu-

larly important role in the Gulf of Maine

(Record et al., 2023). If we hope to use

real-time oceanographic measurements

to prepare for future events, as some have

suggested (Link et al., 2023), we are obli-

gated to report signifcant events as they

unfold. We don’t mean to imply that this

oceanographic shif will return the Gulf of

Maine to a pre-heatwave ecosystem—that

is probably impossible in a world with

426 ppm CO2 concentrations (and ris-

ing). However, this type of oceanographic

change has had major efects in the past,

and we should be paying close attention

this summer and fall as events unfold.


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