March 2015

Special Issue on SPURS: Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study

Oceanography | Vol.28, No.1


y graduate students’ notes from their fluid dynam-

ics class are eerily familiar. I recognize their anxiety

about oral qualifying exams, and also their glee about a snow

day. The camaraderie they share along their trek though gradu-

ate school brings back great memories, as does the delight of a

research breakthrough after weeks, maybe even months, of frus-

tration. What is different is the concern about research funding

that seems to permeate the graduate school experience today.

Apparently, the graduate student trek is now a bit steeper.

My graduate school journey began at the University of

Washington School of Oceanography in 1984. There was cer-

tainly talk about funding then, just not the lack of it. The avail-

ability of research funding was simply an element of the graduate

school experience, along with classes, cruises, exams, and that

thing called a dissertation. Thirty years is a fair stretch of time,

and over those years, much about ocean research has changed.

Today’s graduate students can access vast amounts of ocean data

collected by sophisticated instruments developed over those

years. Ocean circulation models have made dizzyingly impres-

sive strides, and their output has helped to break down the fairly

stout barrier between observational and modeling studies that

existed in 1984. International partnerships are easier to come by,

enriching students’ experiences. All in all, these advances have

widened the window of research opportunities for graduate stu-

dents in the twenty-first century. It is hard to imagine another

time when oceanographers addressed such relevant and com-

pelling research questions. And yet, graduate students, post-

docs, and certainly early career oceanographers see the window

of opportunity narrowing, not widening. How so? It is because

all those ideas, data, and computational resources need funding

to convert their potential to advances in ocean science.

Veteran oceanographers may differ on the merits of the

individual recommendations contained within the newly

released National Research Council report, Sea Change:

2015–2025 Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences (http://www.nap.

edu/ catalog/21655/sea-change-2015-2025-decadal-survey-of-

ocean-sciences), but there is one sentiment that likely unites all

of us—the desire to ensure that young scientists with creative

ideas and research promise look at ocean research as a place

of opportunity. As a member of the committee that wrote the

NRC document, I can report that while each committee mem-

ber brought his or her own envelope of concerns, there was one

common concern: the impact of growing infrastructure costs

on the ability of the National Science Foundation’s Division of

Ocean Sciences to maintain a healthy funding environment for

all oceanographers, but in particular for those entering the field.

The meaning of a “healthy funding environment” was certainly

debated. What was not debated, though, was that the current

funding environment is not healthy, and that we certainly aren’t

headed in a direction that will improve it. Hence, the commit-

tee’s recommendation to substantially cut infrastructure costs—

we did not see another way to move in the direction we desired.

The bulk of the committee’s discussions focused on finances.

Readers of the report will likely focus on the recommended cuts

to infrastructure and the potential for research program fund-

ing. But ultimately, it is our intellectual resources that drive us

forward, and they must be continually renewed in order for

our field to remain vibrant. In order to attract bright investi-

gators, they must see a future, a wide window of opportunity

in ocean sciences.

At the end of the report, there is a short paragraph titled

Looking Ahead. It reads:

Attaining the visionary goals presented at the beginning of

this report will require a diverse and talented group of research-

ers; rapid adoption of new technologies to measure the ocean

in novel and cost-effective ways; elimination of the barriers to

interdisciplinary and interagency research; enhancement of

cost-shared partnerships across funding agencies, national bor-

ders, and sectors; and innovative educational programs that are

aligned with this vision. The committee strongly believes that

the ocean sciences community (including researchers and pro-

gram management) [is] prepared to strategically meet these

challenges and emerge with an even more innovative and com-

pelling future for the ocean sciences.

That compelling future requires funding so that our science

can attract the diverse and talented group of researchers who

will chart the future course for our field.

M. Susan Lozier, TOS President

Ensuring a

Healthy Funding Environment

in Ocean Sciences


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