October 2023

Special Issue on the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory: 50 Years of Innovative Research in Oceanography

October 2023 | Oceanography

In June 2023, The Oceanography Society (TOS) introduced its new Oceanography flipbook kiosk

(https:// oceanographydigital. tos.org/), where anyone can page through full issues of the magazine and

supplements such as those on ocean exploration and ocean observing. The pages render crisply, and issues

are easily navigable. Issue availability on the kiosk goes back through 2015. This open access kiosk replaces

the former digital editions that were made available to TOS members only through Advanced Publishing.

An exciting enhancement now available to Oceanography authors through these flipbooks is the

ability to embed videos, animations, photo galleries, and audio files in articles. This special issue of

Oceanography on “Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory: 50 Years of Innovative Research in

Oceanography” is the first time authors have had this option available. In the flipbook version of this spe-

cial issue (https://oceanographyd\igital.tos.org/flip-book/110286/579668), readers can click on the links

in figures to access movies in Feely et al. that show ocean pH as well as calcium and aragonite satura-

tion states through time. In Walker, readers can view a movie of West Mata submarine volcano showing

results from MAPR (Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorder) data collection. In Hermann et al., ani-

mations derived from model outputs are available for viewing. In Butterfield et al., the title page graphic

includes a link to video of the seafloor taken by Schmidt Ocean Institute’s remotely operated vehicle

Subastian. Bernard et al. includes links to movies related to tsunami propagation and forecasting.

We strongly encourage future Oceanography authors to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance

their articles by adding various media to them. When submitting these extras, please consider the

following guidelines:

• Videos must be provided to Oceanography in a format compatible with YouTube. We recommend

that videos not exceed a few minutes in length. They will be uploaded to The Oceanography Society’s

YouTube channel and linked to a figure in the flipbook. If the movie exists on another institution’s

YouTube or Vimeo channel, and that link is stable, we can instead use that link.

• GIFS can be added straight to the flipbook with a maximum size of 5 MB.

• Audio files must be in MP3 format and no larger than 100 MB.

• Photos for a photo gallery must be in jpg or png format and no larger than 5 MB each.

All enhancements must be directly associated with a figure in the article—the link to media is embed-

ded within the figure (e.g., for videos and GIFS, readers will see an arrow on top of the figure to click on).

Any captions and credits should be provided at the time of submission of the media to Oceanography so

that we can include them appropriately. Whenever such article enhancements are available, we will add a

subhead in the main article called “Flipbook Edition” to alert readers.

The Oceanography Society is always seeking new and creative ways to foster cross-disciplinary com-

munication in the ocean sciences. We hope future Oceanography flipbooks will be a leap forward in

achieving this goal. Please contact me at ekappel@geo-prose.com with any questions about sharing

media in your next Oceanography article.




Ellen S. Kappel, Editor

ARTICLE DOI. https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2023.234

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