March 2016

Special Issue: Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences

Oceanography | March 2016


education? Should more graduate support be shifted toward

fellowships and away from research assistantships? What is the

appropriate balance between graduate student, postdoctoral,

and early career support?

My own view is that in order to have broad-scale success in

the proposed programmatic changes, we need to take a hard

look at the structural barriers that may be impeding those

changes. Readers may recall that one year ago this month,

Sea Change: 2015–2025 Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences was

released ( chapter/1). That

report focused on ocean research priorities for the decade

ahead and made recommendations for the needed balance

between infrastructure and science to achieve those priori-

ties. In the wake of that report, on behalf of the contributors

to this special issue of Oceanography, I am arguing that a “sea

change” in graduate education is also needed. Just as a commu-

nity of oceanographers, selected and organized by the National

Academies, spent the better part of 18 months deliberating

the future of ocean sciences and then making recommenda-

tions to the National Science Foundation, we need a commit-

ment from the community, and from all federal agencies that

fund ocean sciences graduate education, to chart the future of

graduate education in the ocean sciences—a future that will

meet our social contract with our graduate students and with

society. TOS leadership will continue to push in this direction

because, frankly, if we want things to stay as they are, things

will have to change.

M. Susan Lozier, TOS President

Oceanography | March 2016

TOS Activities at OSM

The Oceanography Society sponsored several activ-

ities during the February Ocean Sciences Meeting in

New Orleans, Louisiana, providing opportunities for

members to meet and share experiences and ideas.

TOS Town Hall

In preparation for the TOS-sponsored Town Hall

on "What's Right and What's Wrong with Graduate

Education in the Ocean Sciences?" TOS compiled

the nearly 400 responses it received from members

who took the TOS graduate education survey. TOS

President Susan Lozier presented the survey results

at the Town Hall. During the evening event, the

~130 participants formed small groups to discuss fea-

tures of graduate education that should be retained

and ideas for possible changes. A concluding open

mike session gave participants an additional oppor-

tunity to share even more ideas and experiences.

Survey results are available at


TOS Breakfast

Over 340 members rose early to attend the TOS

Breakfast where new TOS Fellows Mark Cane,

Rana Fine, and Arnold Gordon were honored, as

well as the most recent recipient of the Munk Award,

Carl Wunsch. TOS thanks Sea-Bird Scientific for their

generous support of this event.

Munk Award Lecture

The audience for the society awards plenary session

listened intently while Walter Munk reflected on his

own experiences and many collaborations with his

"life-long" friend Carl Wunsch. Theresa Paluszkiewicz

of the Office of Naval Research then presented

Dr.  Wunsch with the award certificate bearing

the signature of the Secretary of the Navy before

Dr. Wunsch gave a compelling lecture on the "The

Imperative of Global Oceanography." Dr. Wunsch's

lecture, along with all award, keynote, and plenary

lectures are available for viewing at http://osm.agu.

org/2016/oceans-on-demand to learn more.

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