March 2016

Special Issue: Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences

Oceanography | Vol.29, No.1


The Story Behind the Story

Ripple Marks


For Harlequin Ducks, Home is Churning Rapids and Pounding Surf

long-ago glaciers, and picks his way down

to the water’s edge.

His quarry lies where rock meets ocean

at jagged underwater ledges: the harle-

quin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus), one

of North America’s smallest and most

beautiful sea ducks. Although scientists

have solved several mysteries about

the harlequin’s unusual predilections for

rough seas and a salmon-like lifestyle,

others remain open.


To find answers, Paton has come to

count harlequins along Narragansett

Bay’s shoreline. In the 1800s, the ducks’

numbers along the East Coast peaked

at 5,000 to 10,000. Then, overhunting,

as well as habitat loss and other factors,

reduced them to about 1,000 before

hunting along the Eastern Seaboard was

banned in the late 1980s. With restrictions

in place, East Coast harlequin numbers

have rebounded to some 1,800 ducks.

Rhode Island’s rocky coast—Beavertail

in particular—is a winter haunt for these

brave surfers. With adult males’ dark blue

heads, light blue bodies, and chestnut

sides (adult females are a brownish-gray),

the ducks’ common name comes from a

likeness to the colorfully dressed charac-

ter Harlequin in Commedia dell’arte. Their

species name is derived from the Latin

word histrio: actor.

The birds are also known as lords and

ladies, offers Paton, lifting his binoculars

into the stiff wind to search for “bobbers”—

harlequins that dive down to snag a mus-

sel or crab, then somehow manage to pop

up again in the very same spot. White-

eyed diver, blue streak, and rock duck are

among the harlequin’s other names, for

good reason. “How these ducks can sur-

vive right at the crests of breaking waves

is a marvel,” Paton says as he points to a

harlequin that appears and disappears in

roiling waters.

Harlequin ducks are split into two pop-

ulations, Pacific and Eastern, according

to Ducks, Geese, and Swans of North

America. The Pacific is the larger, at about

200,000 birds. They breed from Alaska

south to British Columbia and inland to the

northern section of the Rocky Mountains.

Eastern harlequins, the smaller popula-

tion, nest primarily in Quebec, Labrador,

and Newfoundland. Satellite radio- tracking

and genetic data show two sub-parts to

The sea has gone the color of old silver, its

surface as smooth as a wave-worn shell.

It’s an hour before dawn on this −12°C

(10°F) day in January at Rhode Island’s

Beavertail State Park, a 153-acre rocky

promontory shaped like a beaver’s tail.

Beavertail juts out from the southern end

of Conanicut Island into Narragansett Bay

and the Atlantic Ocean beyond.

Another hour passes; sunup is on the

horizon. Fierce winds begin to blow,

whipping the once-calm ocean below

Beavertail’s boulder-strewn cliffs into a

froth. Stepping onto the park’s steep—

and today, ice-covered—path to the sea

might feel like falling into gray oblivion.

Indeed, local newspapers once hailed the

area’s vistas, but warned that “the drop to

the Atlantic is an easy walk to eternity for

those not sure of foot.”

Peering through tangled, seemingly life-

less briars along a barely there track, Peter

Paton, an ornithologist at the University of

Rhode Island (URI), begins his descent.

Tough going awaits; the cliffs lie exposed

to constant erosion from sea and storm.

Covering his face with a scarf against the

biting cold, he carefully makes his way

around enormous boulders dropped by

Oceanography | Vol.29, No.1

All photos courtesy

of Ilya Raskin

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