June 2018

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Oceanography | Vol.31, No.2


Student News


Have you read the latest issue of

Oceanography Student News? Each news-

letter includes a regular column by the

student representative to the TOS Council,

profiles of TOS student members, infor-

mation about student activities related

to TOS-sponsored meetings, and links to

relevant student resources and articles in

Oceanography magazine. Feel free to for-

ward the links to the newsletters to other

students, or print out a copy and post it

on your department bulletin board. Any

questions? Email TOS Student Rep Stefanie

Mack at studentrep@tos.org.

Check Out Our Career Profiles Page!


Do you have suggestions

on who to profile?

Please send their contact information

to ekappel@geo-prose.com.

Self-nominations are accepted.

In each issue, Oceanography magazine publishes

“career profiles” of marine scientists who have pur-

sued successful and fulfilling careers outside of aca-

demia. These profiles are intended to advise ocean

sciences graduate students about career

options other than teaching and/

or research in a university

setting. They also include

wisdom on how to go

about the job search.

We have over

50 profiles of ocean

scientists on our

web page.

Check them out!

Help TOS Fulfill Its Mission!

Recognizing excellence, disseminating knowledge,

promoting communication

The Oceanography Society welcomes financial contributions of any size to help

support the Society’s mission of disseminating knowledge of oceanography

and its application through research and education, promoting communication

among oceanographers, and providing a constituency for consensus-building

across all the disciplines of the field. Contributions are welcome in one or more of

the following areas:

• COSTARS: Career Opportunity/Student Travel and Research Support –

Supporting travel for graduate students to conferences and other institutions

and organizations

• Student Fund – Supporting programs such as the TOS Mentoring Program

• Early Career Fund – Supporting participation in career-enhancing activities

• TOS General Fund – Used for greatest needs, as recommended by the

TOS Council

To contribute go to https://tos.networkforgood.com


Seen In Oceanography


Climate, Energy, and Food Security

from the Sea

By Charles H. Greene and others

» https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.91

From the Rep

Over the past month, I’ve

started thinking a lot about

my future career. I’m still in

academia (as a postdoc), but I wonder if I

can stay, if I want to stay, and if it’s finan-

cially feasible. Maybe you are pondering

this dilemma as well, or maybe you never

even considered the academic lifestyle.

Regardless, it is helpful to assess your skills,

interests, and career options even if you

aren’t actively looking for jobs.

I’ve been reading a series of books

about careers in science (I recommend Next

Gen PhD by Melanie Sinche), and they have

some common themes. One is to identify

the skills you already have. Consider that

skills every graduate student learns, such

as technical writing, communication, and

analytical thinking, are in high demand for

many fields, not just oceanography. The

next step is to consider your interests: what

do you spend your extracurricular and free

time doing? Why did you choose an ocean-

ography program? I realized I’m interested

in improving society, and it doesn’t need to

be ocean-related. A final step is to combine

skills, interests, and values to identify career

options. This is where a career counselor is

very helpful (and often free of charge if you

are still a student!). Once you identify your

options, find a mentor in that career.

After going through this self-assess-

ment, I feel better equipped to make deci-

sions about my career as they arise. Take

some time to think about it and visit the

TOS web page (https://tos.org/opportunities)

for more career resources.

— Stefanie

Send Us

Your Feedback!

Have questions or comments for the Student Rep?

Interested in being a highlighted student?

Want to share your best career tips and tricks?

We need your input!

» studentrep@tos.org and @mnemoniko

Follow Us

The Oceanography Society


Student Resources



By Andrew D. Gaudet

» https://doi.org/10.1126/science.caredit.a1500019


Number 5 – October 17, 2017

Countdown to Ocean Sciences 2018

February 11–16 » Portland, OR, USA » osm.agu.org

OSM registration is now open! Register for the events below before they fill up.

» https://osm.agu.org/2018/registration

STUDENT & EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP. 8:30 am–4 pm, Sunday, February 11. Workshops on data

management, grant writing, and scientific communication. Coffee, lunch, and afternoon beverages

are included for all participants.

STUDENT MIXER. 6–8 pm, Monday, February 12. Refreshments provided.

MID-WEEK CAREER PANEL. 12:45–1:45 pm, Tuesday, February 13. Panel discussion on various career

options in the ocean sciences. Box lunch included.

SAVE THE DATE — TOS BREAKFAST. Tuesday, February 13, 7:00–8:00 am, Oregon Convention Center

(invitation and RSVP form coming from TOS in December).

Check here for updates » http://osm.agu.org/2018/students/student-early-career-scientist-events


Session Proposals System Now Open

Session Proposal Deadline

3 May 2017

Abstract Submissions Open

mid-Jul y 2017

Abstract Deadline

6 Sept 2017

11–16 February • Portland, Oregon, USA

News & Views

OUR OCEAN CONFERENCE. On October 5–6, 2017, the European Union hosted the fourth Our

Ocean conference in Malta. Explore the conference website to learn more about global commit-

ments toward sustaining a healthy ocean in six principal areas » https://ourocean2017.org


TOS Student Member Highlight

GUALTIERO SPIRO JAEGER. Shepherding is an under-appreciated task: always

challenging, rewarding when successful. Instead of jolly sheep on a Swiss meadow, I

guided research articles into a special issue of Oceanography.

Two years earlier, I began my PhD research in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, working with Amala

Mahadevan as part of a collaboration investigating the northern Indian Ocean’s connection with

monsoon weather over Southeast Asia. Working on a research vessel together with an international

group of scientists and students from the United States, India, and Sri Lanka was an enriching expe-

rience. Later, as results emerged, I had the opportunity to assist the guest editors of the June 2016

special issue of Oceanography on the “Bay of Bengal: From Monsoons to Mixing” by managing the

article workflow from start to finish. As a student, I was in a unique position of facilitating communi-

cation between authors, guest editors who were also coauthors, reviewers, and the Oceanography

editor. To avoid conflicts of interests, I compartmentalized the assignment of anonymous peer

reviews, while recusing myself from the process for an article I coauthored. Producing from a collec-

tion of manuscripts the desired coherent and appealing structure also involved sourcing relevant

photographs from field experiments, soliciting graphics, and deciding the article order, in consulta-

tion with the different editors. The task required dedication and attention to details, while keeping

sight of the overall vision and meeting deadlines. Proud of the final product, I’m grateful for the

valuable experience gained managing the process, and I enjoyed working with the editorial team.

In Oceanography


60 ocean scientists who have

pursued jobs outside of aca-

demia have contributed to

Oceanography’s Career Profiles

column. Read about their

career trajectories and sug-

gestions on how to go about

looking for jobs.

» https://tos.org/career-profiles

CALL FOR INPUT! Want to see more

profiles? Have other questions to ask?

Interested in different careers? Please

tell us what you think about this

column. » studentrep@tos.org

From the Rep

Welcome to the very first

TOS Student Newsletter!

Let me introduce myself. I

am Stefanie Mack, the TOS Council Student

Representative. I was elected to serve a

three-year term in 2016, and I provide

the Council with a student’s perspective

on current issues and Council decisions. I

recently received my PhD in oceanography

from Old Dominion University, and started

a postdoc at the University of Washington.

This is an exciting time to be the stu-

dent rep, as TOS is focusing on what it

can do for student members. Perhaps you

noticed that student membership is now

free! Or that we are in the testing phase of

a new mentorship program, designed to

help students explore career options out-

side of academia. There are more student-

centric ideas in the pipeline, including

some specifically for the next Ocean

Sciences Meeting.

I want to make TOS a great organization

that supports students. So, let me know.

What do you want out of your member-

ship? What information or opportunities

are you missing? Have any brilliant ideas

about ways to make graduate school life

better? Check out the feedback box for

ways to get in touch.

– Stefanie

Meet Your TOS Student Subcommittee Member

NUNZIA PIRRO. I always liked challenges: they make life less boring and more

exciting. My intellectual curiosity and passion for learning weren’t satiated after com-

pleting a Master’s degree in structural engineering. For this reason, I started my PhD

in physical oceanography while on a boat in the Indian Ocean. It was a great opportunity, a unique

experience, and a different way to start my studies. My home institution, the University of Notre

Dame (Indiana), is actively involved in field campaigns in the northern Indian Ocean with the goal

to understand air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal.

Being a TOS subcommittee student member is a bigger and newer challenge for me. My aim is to

serve the TOS student community positively, by both improving our education in ocean science and

giving voice to students’ opinions, advice, and concerns. I will use the skills set and competencies

I have acquired in past years while serving in the Engineering Student Association to help grow

ocean science community awareness and impact within the university setting. I wish to create a

challenging and fruitful environment for students.

Send Us Your Feedback!

Have questions or comments for the Student Rep?

Interested in being a highlighted student?

Want to share your best career tips and tricks?

We need your input!

» studentrep@tos.org and @mnemoniko

Follow Us

The Oceanography Society


Career Tips


IT IS! Definitions and expectations for

CVs and resumes vary by job type and by

country. Make sure you have the correct

document in the correct format for your

next job application.


Try creating a timeline by working back-

ward from that date. Figure out approxi-

mate times for important events such as

exams and your thesis defense. Remember

to leave extra time for responses from com-

mittee members. You never know when

someone will be in the field or on vacation.

Countdown to Ocean Sciences 2018

February 11–16 » Portland, OR, USA » osm.agu.org

Join us at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Explore a broad array of marine science topics

and broaden your connections within the oceanography community. More student activities are in

the works, including a Student and Early Career Conference on Sunday, February 11. Keep your eyes

on this section for information!

ABSTRACTS. Submissions open mid-July 2017; deadline September 6, 2017

FUNDING. Student and early career attendees will be eligible to apply for limited travel support

to the Ocean Sciences Meeting. Be sure to also check with your department or institution to see if

scholarships are available to fund student conference travel.

Student Resources

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. An IDP helps you explore career possibilities and set goals to

follow the career path that fits you best. » https://myidp.sciencecareers.org

TOS RESOURCES PAGE. Find job and fellowship links, shiptime opportunities, and helpful articles

and websites. » https://tos.org/opportunities


Number 1 – June 15, 2017


Session Proposals System Now Open

Session Proposal Deadline

3 May 2017

Abstract Submissions Open

mid-Jul y 2017

Abstract Deadline

6 Sept 2017

11–16 February • Portland, Oregon, USA

News & Views


managing your time so that you can

lead more of a life outside of the lab.

» https://www.nature.com/naturejobs/



Seen In Oceanography


Conservation Challenges for the

Great Whales in a Post-Whaling World

By Phillip J. Clapham

» https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.70

Seen In Oceanography


Conservation Challenges for the

Great Whales in a Post-Whaling World

By Phillip J. Clapham

» https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.70

From the Rep

If you haven’t been able to

tell from the past several

issues of this newsletter, I’ve

been spending a good bit of time thinking

about my professional future. There is a

lot more to figuring out your career path

than tidying up your CV and job searching.

While mentoring can help you succeed in

your chosen role, and self-assessment can

help you decide what that role is, network-

ing is where the opportunities are.

It sounds a bit intimidating at first. I

picture myself awkwardly approaching an

Important Person, stumbling over my ele-

vator speech, and leaving them, minutes

later, with nothing but a bad impression.

Erase this sort of imagery from your mind.

Networking is just getting to know people.

No agenda, no pressure. It’s not introducing

yourself to Important Person so they know

who you are, realize you are awesome, and

subsequently offer you a permanent, high

paying job. Instead, it’s recognizing that

Important Person does interesting work,

and commenting on or asking a question

about that work, preferably after being

introduced by someone who knows you

both. Easy peasy. Just a simple conversation

about cool science (or any other common

ground, really). And repeat. After a while,

you’ll have a whole list of people you know.

This is your network. Then it’s quite easy

to send a quick email to Important Person

Friend saying that you started looking for

jobs in a certain field and do they have

any suggestions? The Resources section

links to more information on networking.

Brush up and get ready to network at the

Ocean Sciences Meeting!

— Stefanie

Send Us Your Feedback!

Have questions or comments for the Student Rep?

Interested in being a highlighted student?

Want to share your best career tips and tricks?

We need your input!

» studentrep@tos.org and @mnemoniko

Follow Us

The Oceanography Society


Student Resources


Seven Myths Dispelled

Grad Logic Blog

» http://gradlogic.org/why-network


Number 6 – November 15, 2017

Countdown to Ocean Sciences 2018

February 11–16 » Portland, OR, USA » osm.agu.org

OSM registration and housing are now open! Register by early January to obtain discounted rates.

REGISTRATION » https://osm.agu.org/2018/registration | HOUSING » https://osm.agu.org/2018/housing

• STUDENT MIXER. 6–8 pm, Monday, Feb 12, Oregon Convention Center (refreshments provided).

• SAVE THE DATE—TOS BREAKFAST. 7–8 am, Tuesday, Feb 13, Oregon Convention Center (invita-

tion and RSVP form coming from TOS in December).

• K–12 MENTORS NEEDED. Wednesday, Feb 14. Help mentor students at OSM K–12 Day. Includes

student-mentor luncheon (box lunch provided). Interested? Contact abstracts@agu.org.

• FLUID OCEANS PECHA KUCHA. 8–10 pm, Wednesday, Feb 14, at the Spirit of 77 bar right by the

Convention Center. » https://osm.agu.org/2018/meeting-wide-events-2

• POP-UP TALKS. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb 14 & 15. An interdisciplinary session for five- minute

student presentations. More information and an application form will be available later this

week at: » https://osm.agu.org/2018/students/pop-up-talks

Check here for updates » https://osm.agu.org/2018/student-and-early-career-events


Session Proposals System Now Open

Session Proposal Deadline

3 May 2017

Abstract Submissions Open

mid-Jul y 2017

Abstract Deadline

6 Sept 2017

11–16 February • Portland, Oregon, USA

News & Views

UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE. At the time we are putting together this newsletter, COP 23 is

convening in Bonn, Germany. COP 23 is the next step governments need to take toward implement-

ing the Paris Climate Change Agreement. » http://unfccc.int/meetings/bonn_nov_2017/meeting/10084.php


TOS Student Member Highlight

HILLARY SCANNELL. The Graduate Climate Conference (GCC) is a three-day

meeting convened annually for graduate students in climate-related fields to share

their research with other students from universities across the country who work

on similar problems. What makes the GCC so unique is that it is entirely run by graduate students,

for graduate students. The responsibility of organizing and hosting this event typically alternates

between the University of Washington and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I first attended the GCC in 2014 as a master’s student from the University of Maine, and again in

2016 as the GCC co-chair and PhD student from the University of Washington. Being involved as

both an attendee and organizing committee member has been an enriching networking experi-

ence and has taught me valuable collaboration and organization skills. A committee of 16 graduate

students from the University of Washington started organizing the conference a year in advance

and formed smaller subcommittees to address fundraising, communications, logistics, and adver-

tising. My role as the GCC co-Chair was to oversee the subcommittees to make sure all components

came together smoothly and to help moderate the conference the day of the event.

The GCC is now going into its 11th year and was convened in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from

November 10–12, 2017. Getting involved is a great way to make connections during graduate

school and “teach” your research to other students. We all have something to learn from each other.

More information on GCC 2017 is available at http://gradclimateconf.mit.edu.

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