June 2018

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Oceanography | June 2018

Host Sponsors

Proud Partners

Gold Sponsors

Contact us

Conference Secretariat: info@icp13.com.au | Phone: 02 9254 5000


13th International Conference on


The Conference will be hosted at

The University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Key Dates

Call for Abstracts Open

1 September 2018

Early Bird Registration Close

28 February 2019

Standard Registration Open

1 March 2019

Call for Abstracts Close

20 April 2019


A Really Tough Problem

for Scientists to Solve

Good scientists have many positive attributes that should be attractive to scien-

tists and non-scientists alike—curiosity, patience, long-term views, and opti-

mism about solving problems. From our perspective, it seems perplexing that

we sometimes have difficulty connecting with the public. But today, perhaps

the scientist’s personality type is precisely what leaves us disconnected from

people who simply do not share our worldview or who listen to leaders who

find it expedient to ignore what science can contribute to our society. How

do we connect with a population that simply lacks curiosity about the natural

world or the role humans have played in modifying it? How do we articulate

that working backward from conclusions to facts doesn’t solve problems? How

do we frame a response if they want answers now, or next week, not in two or

even ten years when we scientists may determine that we have enough data

to address a question satisfactorily (and will know, even then, that with more

data, the answer may change)? What do we tell this segment of the public who

doesn’t perceive there is even a problem to solve? What if they can agree that

there is a problem but figure it is too big to solve or simply think it is impos-

sible to solve, certainly not in their lifetimes, so why bother doing anything?

Our community needs to be clear-eyed about the fact that while our pub-

lic outreach programs have some impact in educating the public, we are most

likely only reaching the self-selected population who want to participate in

such events and are already at least somewhat excited by science. And we need

to do more than hope, pray, protest, and/or vote to be governed by execu-

tive branch officials and legislators who respect scientists and scientific find-

ings and whose words and actions demonstrate that attitude. In short, we

need to take matters into our own hands and craft compelling words and

images to connect with people who currently don’t see science as an instru-

ment that can measurably improve their lives and help solve some seemingly

intractable global problems.

Fortunately, we’re scientists. We’re patient and optimistic. If we can solve

difficult scientific and technical challenges, we can solve this communications

problem, too. But we need smart, creative ideas from all corners of our com-

munity. Please send them to me at ekappel@geo-prose.com.

Ellen S. Kappel, Editor

September 2018

Mathematical Aspects of Physical


December 2018

Gulf of San Jorge, Patagonia,


March 2019

Scientific Ocean Drilling:

Looking to the Future

June 2019

Salinity Processes in the Upper

ocean Regional Study (SPURS) – 2

September 2019

Partnership for Interdisciplinary

Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO)

December 2019

Flow Encountering Abrupt

Topography (FLEAT)


Do you have an idea for a special

issue of Oceanography? Please send

your suggestions to Editor Ellen Kappel

at ekappel@geo-prose.com.





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