March 2023

This issue includes a look at hot vents along Gakkel Ridge, turbulence in the deep Mediterranean, an array of ocean education subjects, and more…





Oceanography is an open-access journal whose main goal is

cross-disciplinary communication in the ocean sciences. The

journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that present significant

research, noteworthy achievements, and exciting new technol-

ogies, and that address aspects of undergraduate and graduate

education in the ocean sciences.


Submitted manuscripts should be of broad interest to our read-

ership. The desired writing style is less technical and more com-

pact than that typically used in scientific papers. Strive for clar-

ity and simplicity. Target your manuscript to graduate students,

professional oceanographers of all traditional disciplines, and

other scientifically literate audiences.


The fee for publishing Feature Articles that are not part of

invited special issues is $2,000. The publication fee for Breaking

Waves, Meeting Reports, Commentaries and Perspectives, and

Ocean Education articles of up to six magazine pages in length

will be $1,000. Authors can request a waiver from TOS (email

to for all or part of the publication fee if they doc-

ument their inability to cover the expense.


FEATURE ARTICLES (<7,000 words) provide an outlet for

making significant advances in oceanography accessible to a

broad readership. They can include review papers that summa-

rize the current state of knowledge of a particular topic, synthe-

sis papers that discuss new findings and how they significantly

revise our thinking about a topic, and more traditional scientific

research papers from across the full spectrum of ocean sciences.

BREAKING WAVES (<3,500 words) articles describe novel

approaches to multidisciplinary problems in oceanography.

These provocative papers present findings that are synthetic by

design and have the potential to move the field of oceanography

forward or in new directions.

OCEAN EDUCATION (<3,500 words) is a place to learn about

the ocean. These peer-reviewed articles should inspire teachers

in higher education to try new active, student-centered instruc-

tion (ranging from short activities to curricula) and provide

ideas/materials to do so.

DIY OCEANOGRAPHY (<3,500 words) shares all of the rel-

evant information on a homemade sensor, instrument, or soft-

ware tool(s) so that others can build, or build upon, it. These

short articles also showcase how this technology was used suc-

cessfully in the field.

See the online Oceanography Author Guidelines and the Manuscript Guide for a full listing of

manuscript categories and descriptions, for article length limitations, and for details of the manuscript submission process.

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