Scientists observe the ocean’s complex and interwoven
physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes
to understand the numerous ways in which the ocean
sustains life and provides benefits to society, and to fore-
cast events that affect humankind and the planet. They
use a range of instruments to gather data, from simple
nets and thermometers to sophisticated sensors aboard
autonomous vehicles that transmit data back to labo-
ratories nearly instantaneously. Some instruments are
tethered to ships or moored to the seafloor, and others
drift with ocean currents, move autonomously, or are
controlled from land. There are also specialized satellites,
aircraft, and drones that carry ocean observing sensors.
Observations are made over hours to days to years in all
parts of the global ocean, from the tropics to the poles,
from the coasts to the open ocean, and from the seafloor
to its surface waters.
The many different types of ocean observations allow
scientists to detect and track pollutants and toxic sub-
stances such as oil slicks, plastics, and other marine
debris; to document ocean warming and acidification
as well as changes in ocean circulation and ecosystem
health; and to better forecast hazards such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, tsunamis, ocean heatwaves, flooding, and
harmful algal blooms.
In this supplement to the December issue of
Oceanography, we introduce frontiers in ocean observing—
the articles describe new technologies and reveal some
exciting results that advance our understanding of the
world ocean and its resources and support its sustain-
able use and management. For this 2021 inaugural sup-
plement, potential authors were invited to submit letters
of interest aligned with the priorities of the UN Decade of
Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030)
in the following topical areas:
TOPIC 1. Ocean-Climate Nexus. Observations related to
climate monitoring, modeling, and forecasting; sea level
rise; and ocean acidification.
TOPIC 2. Ecosystems and Their Diversity. Studies and
observations for habitat mapping and restoration and
for biodiversity monitoring, in particular, the relationship
between biodiversity and climate change, as well as applica-
tions for natural resource management and conservation.
TOPIC 3. Ocean Resources and the Economy Under
Changing Environmental Conditions. Observations and
services in support of the blue economy (e.g., energy,
transport, tourism), sustainable use of ocean resources
(e.g., fisheries/aquaculture, genetic resources, minerals,
sand), and marine spatial planning.
TOPIC 4. Pollutants and Contaminants and Their
Potential Impacts on Human Health and Ecosystems.
Systems for monitoring pollutants/ contaminants (e.g.,
heavy metals, nutrients, plastics, and organic pollutants,
as well as noise) and their dispersal, and potential links to
policy frameworks.
TOPIC 5. Multi-Hazard Warning Systems. Observing
systems and information services supporting disaster
risk reduction and improving human health, safety, and
food security.
We received 127 letters of interest from the global ocean
observing community, from which we chose the subset
of articles contained in this supplement. For many of the
articles, we asked authors who had never before worked
together to collaborate and submit one combined article.
We also chose a few articles to close the supplement with
descriptions of exciting new ocean observing technologies.
We thank Ocean Networks Canada, the US National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Ocean
Monitoring and Observing Program, the international
Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean, and the
US Arctic Research Commission for generously supporting
publication of this Ocean Observing supplement.
Introduction to the Ocean Observing Supplement to Oceanography
By Ellen S. Kappel, S. Kim Juniper, Sophie Seeyave, Emily A. Smith, and Martin Visbeck