March 2022

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The Ocean Exploration Trust, NOAA Ocean Exploration, and Schmidt Ocean Institute 2021 Field Season


A squat lobster perches atop a bubblegum coral on San Juan

Seamount in the Southern California Borderland. The image was

taken by remotely operated vehicle SuBastian as researchers

investigated several sites where marine minerals are known (or

expected) to occur, while assessing the biological communities liv-

ing among the mineral substrates. Image credit: ROV SuBastian/

Schmidt Ocean Institute


A diversity of deepwater coral species was imaged on Ha‘aheo

Seamount during E/V Nautilus expedition Lu‘uaeaāhikiikapapakū

(NA134) in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

Image credit: Ocean Exploration Trust


Wishnak, S., J. Flanders, E. Crum, and C. Wiener, eds. 2022.

New frontiers in ocean exploration: The Ocean Exploration

Trust, NOAA Ocean Exploration, and Schmidt Ocean Institute

2021 field season. A Supplement to Oceanography 35(1),

78 pp., 10.5670/oceanog.2022.supplement.01.

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