December 2023

Special Issue on Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences

Oceanography | Vol. 36, No. 4




In his inaugural “The Oceanography

Classroom” column for Oceanography

in 2000, Dean McManus noted: “A par-

ticular challenge for higher education

is to include more members of under-

represented groups in the study of the

ocean. Fifteen years from now, 40% of

the traditional undergraduate- age pop-

ulation will consist of these under-

represented groups, but today the ocean

sciences have the lowest participation by

underrepresented groups of any science”

(McManus, 2000). Why should we care

about this lack of diversity in the ocean

sciences? As a recent US National Science

Foundation report puts it, “A diverse

workforce provides the potential for

innovation by leveraging different back-

grounds, experiences, and points of view.

Innovation and creativity, along with

technical skills relying on expertise in sci-

ence, technology, engineering, and math-

ematics (STEM), contribute to a robust

STEM enterprise” (NSF, 2023a). To put

it more succinctly, “diversity is not dis-

tinct from enhancing overall quality—it

is integral to achieving it” (Gibbs, 2014).

Having a diverse, inclusive, and equitable

workforce is not only a valuable objective

and moral imperative, it is essential for

fulfilling future workforce needs.

We are now more than 20 years beyond

the McManus column, and the numbers

have only slightly improved. While gen-

der diversity has significantly increased

in the ocean sciences during that time-

frame (Orcutt and Cetinić, 2014; Lima

and Rheuben, 2021; Legg et  al., 2023),

the same cannot be said for other his-

torically underrepresented and margin-

alized groups (identified in various parts

of this special issue as Black, African



Latino/ Latina/

Latinx/ Latine, Native American, Alaska

Native, Indigenous, Asian American,

Pacific Islander, LGBTQIA+, and People

with Disabilities). Little substantive

progress has been made in increasing

diversity in the graduate school popula-

tion in the broader geosciences over the

last 40 years, as demonstrated in a 2018

article published in Nature Geoscience

(Bernard and Cooperdock, 2018) and in

data from a National Science Foundation

survey of current graduate students

(NCSES, 2021). Indeed, the NCSES data

show that in 2019, only ~8.8% of those

surveyed identify as coming from a

group that is considered part of a mar-

ginalized community in the United

States (Garza, 2021).

With heightened acknowledgment of

the diversity imbalance in ranks of ocean

scientists, the inequitable experiences

of those not from the dominant cul-

ture (Berhe et al., 2022), and community

determination to implement changes that

will support a successful future for the

field (e.g., Behl et al., 2021), the time was

right for publishing a compendium of

articles that strives to educate the ocean




about how to recognize inequities and

mitigate barriers, and that provides tools

for implementing best practices for build-

ing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the

field. We also wished to share pedagogi-

cal approaches that can be adapted to rec-

ognize cultural and learning differences.

This special issue builds on the existing

body of knowledge distributed through-

out the peer-reviewed literature, in vari-

ous workshop reports, in funding agency

By Ellen S. Kappel, Benjamin E. Cuker, Corey Garza, Deidre Gibson, Catalina Martinez, Wendy F. Todd, and Cassie Xu







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