December 2023

Special Issue on Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences

Oceanography | Vol. 36, No. 4

one figure, and no more than five refer-

ences. To eliminate repetition and imme-

diately capture readers’ attention, we

asked authors of these short articles to

focus their introductory paragraphs on

specific goals and exclude material that

would be covered in the longer keynote

articles, such as the national challenges or

statistics related to the lack of diversity in

the ocean sciences. We asked authors to

immediately get to the heart of the matter:

What are the barriers you are address-

ing and what did you do about it? Who

funded your program and what were the

program goals? Articles needed to briefly

describe the programs, including details

that would help readers adapt or mod-

ify their own approaches to address their

specific needs. We limited the results sec-

tions to describing, in broad terms, which

components of the programs were suc-

cessful, including retention statistics, if

available, and any additional pertinent/

constructive information. Importantly,

we asked authors of the spotlights to add

explicit “lessons learned” sections to their

manuscripts summarizing what worked

and what didn’t, including thoughts

about how they might change their pro-

grams going forward. We expect these

sections to be the most constructive and

informative for readers.

Many of the longer, externally peer-

reviewed articles follow roughly the same

format as the spotlights, though authors

had more leeway to expand the main arti-

cle sections, providing more background

information and references, details on

program motivations, descriptions, and

lessons learned. Our intent remained,

though, to not have authors include

detailed program assessments and evalu-

ations that might be more appropriate for

an education-focused journal. Rather, we

again asked authors to focus on sharing

their insights on effective practices used in

the design, structure, and function of their

programs that made them more inclusive,

equitable, and diverse; how projects were

modified over time and why; and what

did and did not work. Other articles break

out of the prescribed mold to focus more

on authors’ lived experiences.

Our editorial vision and goals evolved






re viewed. Foremost in our thoughts was

that we did not wish to publish a typi-

cal series of journal articles. We wanted

this special issue to serve as a “hand-

book” that would share the knowledge

our community has gained in designing

and running programs that increase and

support diversity and that would high-

light the lived experiences of authors and

program participants. As our thinking

changed, we asked many authors to reim-

agine and rewrite their articles to better

fit the new paradigm.

While the bulk of the articles in this

special issue resulted from the letters of

interest we received, we invited program

managers from federal agencies sup-

porting this issue to weigh in. Over the

last several decades, millions of US fed-

eral dollars have been spent on funding

programs seeking to broaden participa-

tion in STEM (e.g., NSF, 2023b), but the

ocean sciences, and indeed the broader

geosciences, still have not made signif-

icant progress. A collaborative article

highlights the efforts of four US agen-

cies (National Aeronautics and Space

Administration, National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration, National

Science Foundation, and Office of Naval

Research) that have taken different, but

complementary, approaches to increasing

diversity in the ocean sciences. Similarly,

we solicited a collaborative article from

professional societies that are associ-

ated with aquatic science. We asked those

authors to discuss what the professional

societies have done, are doing, and plan

to do to increase diversity, equity, and

inclusion in the ocean sciences.


Language matters, and it evolves. As Craig

and Bhatt (2021) put it, “thoughtful use

of language can signal openness, inclusiv-

ity, admiration, and celebration, or sim-

ply be an expression of empathy and care

for our fellow humans.” Consistent with

those sentiments, we asked authors to

incorporate inclusive language in their

articles and not use deficit language

(e.g., minority). We gave authors leeway

to use terms they were most comfort-

able with rather than specifying the use

of particular terms, as long as deficit lan-

guage was avoided. For example, differ-

ent authors use the terms Latine, Latinx,

or Latina/Latino. Some authors preferred

the term “historically excluded groups,”

while others preferred “underrepresented

groups,” and others “marginalized com-

munities” or “marginalized identities.”

One term we did unify in this special

issue is using “White” uppercase, though

we recognize that other publications

have chosen to use “white,” and there

are arguments for both, as described

in many excellent commentaries avail-

able on the web.


With this special issue, we asked our

community to think differently and write

differently. The word “reimagine” came

up many times in discussions among

the guest editors and with authors. We

wanted authors to move beyond consid-

ering how to improve upon existing pro-

grams that have attempted to address the

diversity deficit in the past, and to think

about what programs and institutions

might look like if we started fresh, using

the knowledge and experience we have

gained over the decades and including the

voices of the diverse population we want

to embrace the ocean sciences, and STEM

in general. Many of the articles in this

special issue describe programs that have

taken that independent path, reimagin-

ing what truly inclusive programs might

look like—although it is clear that secur-

ing funding both over the long and short

terms remains challenging.

We hope that a special issue on diver-

sity, equity, and inclusion in the ocean

sciences a decade from now will be filled

with articles documenting how the ocean

sciences implemented course corrections

that resulted in a much larger and welcom-

ing tent for a diverse array of colleagues.

Right now, it’s an all-hands-on-deck need

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