March 2015

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2014 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Field Season


BUILT | 1967, Rostock, Germany

LENGTH | 64.23 meters (211 feet)

BEaM | 10.5 meters (34.5 feet)

DRaFT | 4.9 meters (14.75 feet)

TONNaGE | 1,249 gross, 374 net

RaNGE | 24,000 kilometers (13,000 nautical miles)

ENDURaNCE | 40 days at sea

SPEED | 10 knots service, 12 knots maximum

FUEL CaPaCITY | 330 cubic meters

PROPULSION | Single 1,286 kilowatt (1,700 hp)

controllable pitch main thruster; 250 kW bow

thruster; 350 kW jet pump stern thruster

SHIP SERVICE GENERaTORS | Two 500 kVa generators,

one 350 kVa generator, and one 450 kVa shaft generator

PORTaBLE VaN SPaCE | One 20-foot van

COMPLEMENT | 17 crew; 31 science and operations

FLaG | St. Vincent and the Grenadines


• Dynacon 421 ROV winch with 4,500 meter

(14,764 feet) Rochester A302351 1.73 centimeter

(0.68 inch) diameter cable

• DT Marine 210 winch with 1,200 m Rochester

A320327 0.82 centimeter (0.322 inch) diameter wire

• Bonfiglioli knuckle-boom crane, 4.2 ton capacity,

two extensions

• A-frame, 6 ton capacity

Data Processing & Visualization Lab

aREa | 44.5 square meters (480 square feet)

WORKSTaTIONS | Seven workstations for

data manager, data loggers, navigators,

educators, data engineers, satellite engineer,

video engineer; high-resolution map,

multi beam, and side-scan sonar processing;

flexible bench space

Exploration Vessel Nautilus

Telepresence Technology

VSaT | 2.4 meter tracking antenna capable of up to 

20 Mbps (C-band circular or linear)


• Four Tandberg standard definition encoders with

multiplex for encapsulating real-time video

• Harmonic Electra 7000 high definition encoder

CaMERaS | One Sony BZR-800 high definition pan/tilt/

zoom camera mounted in the Control Van and on the

aft deck; one Marshall Electronics VS-570-HDSDI high

definition camera with pan/tilt/zoom, and microphone

for interaction with shore, mounted in Wet Lab and

ROV hangar


• Ship-wide RTS Telex intercom system for real-time

communications between ship and shore

• Handheld UHF radios are interfaced with the RTS

intercom system for deck, bridge, and Control Room


Control & Imaging Vans

aREa | 28 square meters (301.4 square feet)

WORKSTaTIONS | Nine; typical configuration for ROV

operations: two to three scientists, data logger, Hercules

pilot, Argus pilot, navigator, video engineer, Science

Communication Fellow

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