March 2015

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2014 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Field Season

VOL. 28, NO. 1, SUPPLEMENT | MaRCH 2015




The E/V Nautilus 2014

Gulf of Mexico and

Caribbean Field Season

New Frontiers

in Ocean Exploration


Bell, K.L.C., M.L. Brennan, and N.A. Raineault, eds. 2015. New frontiers in

ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2014 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean field

season. Oceanography 28(1), supplement, 60 pp.,



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1

TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

DATA MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................................................................................................................10

NAUTILUS SAMPLES ...................................................................................................................................................................................13

EDUCATION & OUTREACH ..................................................................................................................................................................16

2014 FIELD SEASON SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................................24

Exploration of the Straits of Florida and Great Bahama Bank ...................................................................................26

Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf of Mexico (ECOGIG) ....................................................28

Documenting WWII Shipwrecks in the Gulf .......................................................................................................................30

Fate and Transport of Gas Bubbles from Natural Seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico ..........................32

Exploration and Mapping of the Deep Mesoamerican Reef ......................................................................................34

Exploration of the Windward Passage and Jamaica Channel: Tectonic Gateways to

the Caribbean Sea .....................................................................................................................................................................36

Exploring Kick’em Jenny Submarine Volcano and the Barbados Cold Seep Province,

Southern Lesser Antilles ........................................................................................................................................................38

Transforming Remotely Conducted Research Through Ethnography,

Education & Rapidly Evolving Technologies (TREET) ...........................................................................................40

A Symposium on Archaeological Oceanography in the Mediterranean and Black Sea..............................44

Workshop on Telepresence-Enabled Exploration of the Eastern Pacific Ocean ..............................................46

EPILOGUE ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................52

AUTHORS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................54

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................................................................................................................................................................56

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................59

Cover photo credit:

Ocean Exploration Trust and

ECOGIG Consortium

The Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) Workshop on

Telepresence-Enabled Exploration of the Caribbean Region

was convened in November 2012 to plan for the 2013 field sea-

son with the idea that Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus and

its Corps of Exploration would spend only one year working

in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. However, the

strong showing of interest in the area from the international

group of marine scientists who submitted white papers to and

participated in that workshop was so impressive the Trust

and its Nautilus Advisory Board decided to schedule a second

year in this area of the world before moving on to the Pacific

Ocean, as originally planned.

This fifth Oceanography supplement chronicles the 2014

field season: four months of exploration in the Gulf of Mexico

and the Caribbean Sea, as well as rapid growth in our science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education

and outreach programs and continued research on best prac-

tices of telepresence and archaeological oceanography.

The first section of this supplement (pages 4–15) describes

the technology used on board Nautilus to explore the deep

sea and to make our expeditions accessible globally to the

public, students, and scientists alike. The biggest technology

strides during 2014 were made in data management and

accessibility. On board Nautilus, we completely renovated the

Data Processing & Visualization Laboratory in advance of the

2014 field season, creating a space for scientists, students, and

engineers to process and analyze data during expeditions and

share them with scientists on shore. Our Data Team was hard

at work creating online collaboration tools that now make

it significantly easier to access Nautilus data in real time or

near-real time on board the ship, on shore at the Inner Space

Center, and in scientists’ homes and laboratories. Continued

emphasis on data management in the coming years will result

in easier collaboration among scientists at sea and ashore, and

will accelerate the pace of discovery and research.

The area of largest growth for the Nautilus Exploration

Program in 2014 was in education and outreach (pages 16–23).

In June, we launched our first Community STEM Program

(CSP) in South Florida, sponsored by the Florida Panthers

Foundation. This new initiative focuses our STEM education

efforts in select geographical regions, allowing single com-

munities to engage their members in all of the educational

programs OET offers, thereby increasing the impact these

programs can have in any individual location. By working at

the intersection of education and ocean exploration, our goal

is to promote STEM fields using the excitement of exploration

and technological innovation. Our programs range from the

public website Nautilus Live (, to

live interactions with museums, aquariums, and science cen-

ters, to K12 Learning modules for schools and out-of-school

programs, to seagoing opportunities for high school, college,

and graduate students. By the beginning of the 2015 field

season, CSP will have grown to more than 10 communities,

and we expect further expansion to 15–20 communities by

the 2017 field season.

The first exploratory program of 2014 was carried out at

Great Bahama Bank and in the Straits of Florida, two High

Priority Target Areas identified during the 2012 Caribbean

Workshop because of their potential geohazards and sink-

holes (pages 26–27). This cruise was followed by a series

of exploratory transits in and around the Dry Tortugas,

By Robert D. Ballard and Katherine L.C. Bell


including documentation of a German U-boat supporting

a dense concentration of invasive lion fish that is threaten-

ing the shallow- and deepwater communities in the Gulf of

Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

Approximately one month was devoted to conducting four

missions in the Gulf of Mexico. Two of these projects were

continuing efforts to (1) document how natural and acci-

dental oil and gas inputs affect deep-sea coral communities,

working with the Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to

the Gulf (ECOGIG) Consortium (pages 28–29), and (2) study

the fate and transport of gas bubbles from natural seeps, in

conjunction with the Gulf Integrated Spill Response (GISR)

Consortium (pages 32–33).

The other two projects were concerned with investigat-

ing a series of shipwrecks that were involved in “Operation

Drumbeat,” when, in 1941, Adolph Hitler sent a wolfpack

of U-boats to the East Coast and into the Gulf of Mexico

to disrupt US shipping routes and transport of oil and

other commodities of critical importance to the war effort

(pages 30–31). These two expeditions resulted in a NOVA/

National Geographic program aired on Public Television in

May 2015 as well as a second show aired on CBS’s 60 Minutes

that highlighted not only the human history preserved in the

depths of the Gulf of Mexico, but also the natural resources

contained within the US Exclusive Economic Zone.

Following our efforts in the Gulf of Mexico, Nautilus

continued to explore the Caribbean Sea, further responding

to the recommendations of the 2012 Caribbean Workshop.

Targets of exploration in 2014 included the deep waters of the

Mesoamerican Reef off the coast of Belize, the second larg-

est barrier reef system in the world (pages 34–35), and the

Windward Passage between Jamaica and Haiti (pages 36–37).

The geological and biological aspects of both locations were

investigated using the Nautilus EM302 multibeam sonar

system to create maps of the seafloor before diving on

selected targets with the remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)

Hercules and Argus.

The expedition then continued on to the Anegada Passage

in the eastern Caribbean to follow up on successful explora-

tion there during the 2013 field season. The 2014 cruise, which

included collection of new rock and core samples, was again

led by US Geological Survey scientist Amanda Demopoulos

and funded by a Targeted Research RFP solicited by the US

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.

Nautilus completed the 2014 field season by continuing

exploration of Kick’em Jenny volcano west of Grenada and

the Barbados Cold Seep Province in Trinidad and Tobago

(pages 38–39). The 2013 exploration of Kick’em Jenny revealed

debris avalanche-induced cold seeps and their unique ecosys-

tems dominated by giant chemosynthetic mussels and associ-

ated communities. In 2014, we continued to explore this area,

resulting in the discovery of many more cold seeps, as well as

what is believed to be the largest B. boomerang mussel ever

found. Our work on the Barbados mud volcanoes was the first

ROV exploration in this area, following manned submersible

research nearly 20 years ago. Through the combined use of

the shipboard EM302 multibeam to detect bubble plumes

and ROV dives, we discovered cold seep sites that had not

been previously explored, including large areas with methane

hydrates and associated biological communities.

In addition to scientific exploration, the final expedition

included ethnographic and educational components through

a study called Transforming Remotely Conducted Research

Through Ethnography, Education & Rapidly Evolving

Technologies (TREET), funded by the Integrated NSF

Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education

(INSPIRE) program (pages 40–43). The primary goals of this

project are to use ethnography to study how telepresence

can be best used in the context of oceanographic and other

research, and to determine how to best engage groups of

undergraduates through remote but authentic research expe-

riences. The results of this study will be useful not only for

the Nautilus Exploration Program but also for the University-

National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS, the

organization that coordinates the US academic research fleet),

NOAA, and other organizations as they continue to develop

their own telepresence-enabled capabilities.

Following up on our previous archaeological work in the

Black, Aegean, and Mediterranean Seas, OET held a sym-

posium to present our findings to the public and academic

communities in October 2014. A summary of the symposium

proceedings and plans for continued research is presented

on pages 44–45.

This volume concludes with a view toward the future

of the Nautilus Exploration Program through a summary

of the Workshop on Telepresence-Enabled Exploration

of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, held in December 2014 in

San Francisco (pages 46–51). This workshop hosted nearly

70 scientists at the Exploratorium to identify key oceanogra-

phy questions about the eastern Pacific that need answers, as

well as 33 High Priority Target Areas that are poorly under-

stood or completely unexplored. The results of this workshop

will be used to plan the Nautilus 2015–2018 field seasons.

Since 2009, Nautilus has been home to 656 scientists, engi-

neers, students, filmmakers, songwriters, artists, and guests,

40% of whom are women, representing 38 countries. We have

spent 610 days at sea, mapping over 126,000 square kilome-

ters of seafloor and exploring the water column and seafloor

for 4,254 hours (177+ days). Nearly 2,000 geological, biolog-

ical, and chemical samples have been collected, more than

200 of which have been requested for follow-up research,

and more than 50 publications, theses, and dissertations have

resulted from our expeditions. We are very proud of all that

has been accomplished in six short years, and we look for-

ward to what the Pacific Ocean has in store for Nautilus and

her Corps of Exploration.


BUILT | 1967, Rostock, Germany

LENGTH | 64.23 meters (211 feet)

BEaM | 10.5 meters (34.5 feet)

DRaFT | 4.9 meters (14.75 feet)

TONNaGE | 1,249 gross, 374 net

RaNGE | 24,000 kilometers (13,000 nautical miles)

ENDURaNCE | 40 days at sea

SPEED | 10 knots service, 12 knots maximum

FUEL CaPaCITY | 330 cubic meters

PROPULSION | Single 1,286 kilowatt (1,700 hp)

controllable pitch main thruster; 250 kW bow

thruster; 350 kW jet pump stern thruster

SHIP SERVICE GENERaTORS | Two 500 kVa generators,

one 350 kVa generator, and one 450 kVa shaft generator

PORTaBLE VaN SPaCE | One 20-foot van

COMPLEMENT | 17 crew; 31 science and operations

FLaG | St. Vincent and the Grenadines


• Dynacon 421 ROV winch with 4,500 meter

(14,764 feet) Rochester A302351 1.73 centimeter

(0.68 inch) diameter cable

• DT Marine 210 winch with 1,200 m Rochester

A320327 0.82 centimeter (0.322 inch) diameter wire

• Bonfiglioli knuckle-boom crane, 4.2 ton capacity,

two extensions

• A-frame, 6 ton capacity

Data Processing & Visualization Lab

aREa | 44.5 square meters (480 square feet)

WORKSTaTIONS | Seven workstations for

data manager, data loggers, navigators,

educators, data engineers, satellite engineer,

video engineer; high-resolution map,

multi beam, and side-scan sonar processing;

flexible bench space

Exploration Vessel Nautilus

Telepresence Technology

VSaT | 2.4 meter tracking antenna capable of up to 

20 Mbps (C-band circular or linear)


• Four Tandberg standard definition encoders with

multiplex for encapsulating real-time video

• Harmonic Electra 7000 high definition encoder

CaMERaS | One Sony BZR-800 high definition pan/tilt/

zoom camera mounted in the Control Van and on the

aft deck; one Marshall Electronics VS-570-HDSDI high

definition camera with pan/tilt/zoom, and microphone

for interaction with shore, mounted in Wet Lab and

ROV hangar


• Ship-wide RTS Telex intercom system for real-time

communications between ship and shore

• Handheld UHF radios are interfaced with the RTS

intercom system for deck, bridge, and Control Room


Control & Imaging Vans

aREa | 28 square meters (301.4 square feet)

WORKSTaTIONS | Nine; typical configuration for ROV

operations: two to three scientists, data logger, Hercules

pilot, Argus pilot, navigator, video engineer, Science

Communication Fellow

Rack Room

aREa | 17.3 square meters (185 square feet)

VIDEO STORaGE | Two Omneon Mediadecks

(MDM-5321 and SMD-2200-BB) for video recording,

playback, and storage

DaTa STORaGE | 16 TB online storage for non-video data;

28 TB disk storage for video data


ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH | 80 cu ft of storage

Wet Lab

aREa | 19 square meters (204.5 square feet) with

5-meter-long (16-foot) stainless steel worktop


• Panasonic MDF-C8V1 ULT –80/–86°C scientific freezer,

0.085 cubic meters (3 cubic feet)

• Science refrigerator/freezer, approximately 0.57 cubic

meters (20 cubic feet)


• Nikon SMZ800 trinocular microscope, 6.3× zoom,

Vari-Mag C-mount camera adapter with additional

2.5× ocular

• Dual output cold light source

• Nikon D300 SLR camera

• HDMI out for

sharing microscope

video with shore

HaZMaT |

• Fume hood

• HAZMAT locker for

chemical and waste storage

• Carry-on, carry-off

chemical policy

Production Studio

aREa | 12 square meters (130 square feet)

CaMERa | Remote controllable high definition

Sony BRC-H700

SWITCHER | Ross CrossOver16 with ability to switch

underwater, topside, or scaled computer video streaming

to the Inner Space Center for live interactions

ROV Hangar

aREa | 24 square meters (258.3 square feet)

POWER | 110/60 Hz and 220/50 Hz available


PFDs, high voltage gloves

LIFTS | 2 × 2-ton overhead manual chainfall lifts

STORaGE | Storage for spares and other equipment

ROV Workshop

aREa | 18 square meters (193.8 square feet)

TOOLS | Complete set of hand tools, cordless tools,

electrical and fiber optic test equipment,

mill-drill combination machine

STORaGE | Storage for spares and

other equipment

Kongsberg EM302 Multibeam



DEPTH RaNGE | 10–7,000 meters (33–22,966 feet)

SWaTH WIDTH | Up to 5.5 times water depth, to

approximately 8,000 meters (26,247 feet)

PULSE FORMS | CW and FM chirp

BEaMWIDTH | 1° × 1°


(e.g., 10 m at 1,000 m depth)



Knudsen Subbottom Profiler

and Echosounder

PROFILER | Knudsen 3260 Chirp subbottom profiler

and echosounder

OPERaTING FREQUENCY | Dual frequency, 3.5 kHz

and 15 kHz

POWER | 4 kW on Channel 1 and up to 2 kW on Channel 2

RaNGE | 50 to 5,000 meters (164 to 16,404 feet)

Ultra-Short Baseline Navigation System

SYSTEM | TrackLink 5000MA system for USBL tracking

of ROVs Hercules and Argus

RaNGE | Up to 5,000 meters (16,404 feet)

POSITIONING aCCURaCY | 1° (better than 2% of

slant range)


OPERaTING FREQUENCY | 14.2 to 19.8 kHz

TaRGETS TRaCKED | Up to eight

Side-Scan Towfish Diana

SIDE-SCaN SONaR | EdgeTech 4200 MP CHIRP

side-scan sonar with depressor wing

DEPTH CaPaBILITY | 2,000 m (6,561.7 ft), currently

limited by 1,000 m (3,280.8 ft) cable

TOWFISH SIZE | 125.6 centimeters × 11.4 centimeters

(49.5 inches × 4.5 inches)

FREQUENCY | 300 and 600 kHz dual simultaneous

OPERaTING RaNGE | 230 meters (300 kHz),

120 meters (600 kHz)

HORIZONTaL BEaMWIDTH | 0.54° and 0.34° (high

speed mode), 0.28° and 0.26° (high definition mode)


DEPRESSION aNGLE | Tilted down 20°

RESOLUTION aLONG TRaCK (High Speed Mode) |

300 kHz: 1.9 meters @ 200 meters;

600 kHz: 0.6 meters @ 100 meters

RESOLUTION aLONG TRaCK (High Definition Mode) |

300 kHz: 1.0 meter @ 200 meters;

600 kHz: 0.45 meters @ 100 meters

RESOLUTION aCROSS TRaCK | 3 centimeters

(300 kHz), 1.5 centimeters (600 kHz)

SENSORS | Heading, pitch, roll, pressure

Acoustic Systems


DEPTH CaPaBILITY | 6,000 meters (19,685 feet),

currently limited to 4,000 meters

CaBLE | 4,000 meters, 0.681 electro-optical,

3x #11 conductors, 3x SM fibers

SIZE | 3.8 meters long × 1.2 meters wide × 1.3 meters high

WEIGHT | 1,800 kilograms (4,000 pounds)


aSCENT/DESCENT RaTE | 30 meters/minute

(98.4 feet/minute)

PROPULSION | Two Deep Sea Systems International 404

brushless DC thrusters for heading control

Imaging & Lighting


• One Insite Pacific Zeus Plus high definition camera with

Ikegami HDL-45A tilt head with Fujinon HA 10×5.2

lens -1080i SMPTE 292M output format – 2 MP still

image capable

• Three Insite Pacific standard definition mini utility

cameras (fixed mounted) 480 line NTSC format

• One Insite Pacific low-light “fish-eye,” downward-looking

standard definition camera (fixed mounted)


• Two Deep Sea Power & Light 1,200 Watt HMI,

100,000 lumens each

• Two Deep Sea Power & Light 400 Watt HMI

• Two Deep Sea Power & Light 250 Watt Incandescent

Vehicle Sensors & Navigation

USBL NaVIGaTION | TrackLink 5000 system,

acoustically triggered

PRIMaRY HEaDING | Crossbow high resolution magnetic

motion and attitude sensor

SECONDaRY HEaDING | TCM2 solid state

fluxgate compass

PRESSURE SENSOR | Paroscientific Digiquartz 8CB series

aLTIMETER | Benthos PSA-916

FORWaRD-LOOKING SONaR | Mesotech 1071, 675 kHz,

100 meters range

SIDE-SCaN SONaR | EdgeTech 4200 MP


Parametric Subbottom Profiler (10–30 kHz)

Scientific Instrument Support

POWER | 110 V 60 Hz AC, 24 VDC, 12 VDC,

5 VDC power options

DIGITaL DaTa CHaNNELS | Three RS-232,

one 100base-T Ethernet

Remotely Operated Vehicle Argus


DEPTH CaPaBILITY | 4,000 meters (13,123 feet)

TETHER | 30–45 meters (98.4–147.6 feet), 20 millimeters

(0.79 inches) diameter, neutrally buoyant

SIZE | 3.9 meters long × 1.9 meters wide × 2.2 meters tall

(12.8 feet long × 6.2 feet wide × 7.2 feet tall)

MaSS | ~ 2,500 kilograms (5,500 pound-mass) in air

MaXIMUM VEHICLE SPEED | 0.77 meters/second

(1.5 knots) forward, 0.25 meters/second (0.5 knots)

lateral, 0.5 meters/second (1 knots) vertical (on site,

within tether range)

MaXIMUM TRaNSIT SPEED | 1 meter/second (2 knots),

no sampling, in layback mode


0.5 meters/second (1 knot), no sampling


0.25 meters/second (0.5 knots) on flat seafloor;

< 0.13 meters/second (< 0.25 knots) over featured terrain


Station Keep, X/Y step, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude,

X/Y/Z step and hold velocity control

DESCENT/aSCENT RaTE | 30 meters/minute

(98.4 feet/minute)


• Six hydraulic thrusters powered by 15 kW (20 hp),

207 bar (3,000 psi) hydraulic system

• Fore/Aft & Vertical – Four 27.94 cm (11 inch) ducted

thrusters, each providing 900 N (200 lbf) thrust

• Lateral – Two 22.86 cm (9 inch) ducted thrusters,

each providing 450 N (100 lbf) thrust

Remotely Operated Vehicle Hercules

Vehicle Sensors & Navigation


• Primary Heading – IXSEA Octans III north-seeking fiber-

optic gyrocompass (0.1° secant latitude accuracy with

0.01° resolution)

• Secondary Heading – TCM2 solid state fluxgate compass

PRESSURE SENSOR | Paroscientific Digiquartz 8CB series

CTD | Seabird FastCAT 49

OXYGEN OPTODE | Aanderaa 3830

TEMPERaTURE PROBE | WHOI high temperature probe

(0°–450°C, .1°C resolution)



Navigator Doppler Velocity Log 600 kHz, 0.7–90 meter

range (2.3–295.3 feet)


• Kongsberg Mesotech 1071 profiling sonar, 300 kHz,

200 meter range (164 feet)

• TriTech Super SeaPrince 675 kHz, 50 meter range

(164 feet)

Imaging & Lighting

STaNDaRD IMaGING SUITE | One high definition video

channel on fiber optic, four standard definition video

channels on coax, generally configured as:

• Insite Pacific, 6,000 msw rated, Zeus Plus with 10× zoom

lens, Ikegami HDL-45A with zoom/pan/tilt/extend

–1080i SMPTE 292M output format

• Insite Pacific, 6,000 msw rated, Titan Rotate-Tilt standard

definition camera (bubble camera) 480 line NTSC format

• Three Insite Pacific NOVA utility cameras, mounted to

view the starboard sample box, 480 line NTSC format

• One Insite Pacific Aurora utility camera, NTSC format


• Two Deep Sea Power & Light 400 Watt HMI with dual-

ballast, 12,000 lumens, forward mounted

• Two Deep Sea Power & Light Matrix-3 LED lamps,

20,000 lumens, forward mounted

• Six to twelve Deep Sea Power & Light Sphere LED lamps,

6,000 lumens mounting configurable

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