March 2016

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus and NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2015 Field Season


Fifteen years ago, the national ocean exploration program began

with establishment of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA) Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

(OER), based on recommendations from President Clinton’s Panel

on Ocean Exploration (2000). Since that time, two vessels have been

dedicated to ocean exploration, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer,

operated by OER, and Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus, owned

and operated by the Ocean Exploration Trust (OET).

These two vessels have spent time exploring in the Pacific and

Atlantic Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, and the

Mediterranean and Black Seas, making discoveries in archaeology,

biology, geology, chemistry, and physical oceanography. Dozens of

shipwrecks have been discovered dating from ancient times to the

modern, acoustic mapping and remotely operated vehicle (ROV)

dives have shed light on the flux of hydrocarbons from beneath

the seafloor into the ocean, and innumerable records have been

set regarding observations of organisms in new locations and new

species unknown to science. And great quantities of data are now

in archives awaiting scientists and students to ask new questions

and make additional discoveries.

In this sixth ocean exploration supplement to Oceanography

magazine, we present the initial results of the Nautilus and

Okeanos Explorer 2015 field seasons in the Gulf of Mexico, the

Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. We include summa-

ries of exploration and discoveries and describe new devel-

opments in technology and engineering as well as innovative

outreach to stakeholders.

The results of the Nautilus Exploration Program are contained

in the first section, beginning with a description of the technologies

used on board Nautilus for telepresence-enabled deep submer-

gence exploration and educational programming (pages 8–13).

In 2015, the major addition to our technological suite was a new

VSAT system graciously donated to OET by SeaTel Cobham. We

also upgraded our suction sampling system, greatly increasing

our capacity to collect soft, small, and fragile samples. Last year,

we began including updates on sample analysis from previous

cruises, and we do so again in this edition, highlighting analyses of

biological and geological samples collected during the Galápagos

and southern California cruise legs (pages 14–17). We next focus

on our education and outreach programs (pages 18–23), which

By Katherine L.C. Bell and John McDonough


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