Oceanography | March 2016
My years in academia give me insight into the process of
science—grant writing, peer review, experimental design, incre-
mental progress. That experience enables me to tell science sto-
ries from a different perspective, perhaps a more human one,
and that is invaluable.
— Heather Goldstone, Science Editor,
WGBH and WCAI National Public Radio Stations
Without question, the education that I received has been a plat-
form for other, seemingly unrelated, achievements that followed.
My education gave me confidence, an understanding of hard
work, enduring friendships, and appreciation of strong leadership.
— Kerry Hegarty, Managing Director/CEO, Sienna Cancer Diagnostics
I would say that my skills in critical thinking, writing, and pre-
senting, developed and improved through working on my PhD
and interacting with my lab mates, are the skills that I have relied
on the most. The critical thinking skills and the ability to absorb
and digest new information quickly are invaluable in the policy as
well as the conservation fields.
— Winnie Lau, Program Manager,
Marine Ecosystem Services Program, Forest Trends
Problem-solving skills, experience managing projects, and telling
a useful story with messy data. In many things, there is often no
right answer but a family of solutions.
— Norge Larson, President, Sea-Bird Electronics Inc.
Resourcefulness. In the lab or in the field, when something goes
awry, you have to think on your feet and find alternative solu-
tions, sometimes with limited information or tools. This skill
transfers quite well.
— Kris Ludwig, Staff Scientist, Natural Hazards Mission Area,
US Geological Survey
Going to sea during graduate school provided a great training
environment for skills that can be applied for many jobs. In par-
ticular, I use skills such as logistical planning, teamwork, collabo-
ration, problem solving, and how to work with others in challeng-
ing situations on a daily basis.
— Mitch Malone, Assistant Director of Science Services/
Manager of Science Operations, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program,
Texas A&M University
My science PhD has been an enormous asset at every step of
the way. Simply having it helps open doors. More importantly,
the skills I developed as a graduate student are essential ones
that I still depend upon, especially the independent analysis and
problem-solving skills.
— Kathryn Mengerink, Environmental Law Institute
The skills that I find most useful relate to data analysis, statisti-
cal analysis, computer programming, and writing. Less tangibly,
but possibly most important, I think I picked up a commitment to
integrity and quality in my work as part of my education.
— Michele Morris, Consultant
My experience as a scientist greatly facilitates my ability to work
effectively with other scientists simply because I have a good sense
of how scientists go about their work, how they formulate and
refine their ideas, and how they communicate with each other.
— Audrey M. Rogerson, Director of Development,
The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Ocean scientists learn how to think critically, solve complex
problems, analyze and visualize data, communicate to peers and
to the public, manage large projects, and work as a member of a
team. These skills have enabled generations of ocean scientists
to succeed in a wide variety of careers. At a time when the ocean
sciences community is considering updating the PhD curric-
ulum to align better with the needs of current and emerging
job markets, any evaluation must recognize the importance of
these less tangible but absolutely essential components of grad-
uate training and consider teaching at least some them directly.
Ellen S. Kappel, Editor