June 2016

Special Issue: Bay of Bengal: From Monsoons to Mixing

Oceanography | June 2016


The great American marine ecologist

Robert T. (Bob) Paine passed away in

Seattle on June 13, 2016. During the last

half century, Bob introduced some of the

most important conceptual advances in

community ecology, perhaps none more

influential than that of the keystone spe-

cies. A keystone species is one that has

a disproportionately large effect on its

surrounding community. Such a species

plays a critical role in maintaining the

community’s structure, affecting many

other organisms, and helping to deter-

mine the types and numbers of various

other species found in that community.

The keystone species concept came

to Bob as he pondered the spectacu-

lar wave-swept shores of the Pacific

Northwest’s rocky intertidal. Arriving at the University

of Washington in 1962 as a new assistant professor, Bob

applied the concepts that he had learned at the University of

Michigan from three of the most influential ecologists of their

day—Nelson Hairston, Fred Smith, and Larry Slobodkin. In

1960, this trio published one of the all-time classic papers in

ecology—“Community Structure, Population Control, and

Competition.” This paper, which is referred to by most ecologists

today simply as “HSS,” laid the foundation for a career Bob spent

experimentally tinkering in the ecology between Pacific tides.

HSS hypothesized that the world was green because the pop-

ulations of herbivorous species grazing on green plants were

held in check by predatory species higher up the food chain.

This revolutionary idea tipped the world of community ecol-

ogy upside down. Prior to HSS, most ecologists viewed natural

communities as being structured from the bottom up, with the

amount of energy flowing from lower to higher trophic levels

in the food chain determining community structure. Bob took

this top-down worldview from the land-locked campus of the

University of Michigan and applied it to the familiar but poorly

understood rocky shores of Washington state.

Fifty years ago this year, Bob published his own classic paper,

“Food Web Complexity and Species Diversity,” which sketched

out ideas that would later become known as the keystone spe-

cies and trophic cascade concepts. Bob had found that by

experimentally removing the predatory

ochre sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, from

the seashore, he could fundamentally

alter the intertidal community’s struc-

ture and diversity. The effects of Pisaster’s

removal cascaded down the food chain,

eliminating certain species and alter-

ing the web of interactions occurring

among the rocky shore’s other inhab-

itants. To future generations of ecolo-

gists being trained around the world,

Pisaster became known as the quintes-

sential keystone predator. This concept

was subsequently extended to include

other species whose removal or addition

disproportionately affected the commu-

nities around them.

Similar to the keystone species he

studied, Bob’s intellectual contributions had a disproportion-

ate effect on the field of community ecology. Not only did he

develop important theoretical concepts, he also demonstrated

the value of field experiments in testing ecological theory. By

example, Bob became the progenitor of a vast school of experi-

mental ecologists (Figure 1), most working in marine environ-

ments, but some also venturing into terrestrial and freshwater

realms. Bob’s influence spread well beyond the direct descen-

dants on his academic family tree. In fact, many attribute Bob’s

promotion of the field experimental approach as one of the

great turning points in twentieth century ecology.

As fundamental as Bob’s contributions have already been

to basic ecological theory, their application to practical, real-

world problems will play an increasingly important role as soci-

ety attempts to understand and grapple with the problems aris-

ing in our rapidly changing ocean. For example, during the

persistent ocean heat wave that has plagued coastal waters

from California to Alaska during the past three years (see

article by Cavole et al., 2016, in this issue, for further discus-

sion), there has been a collapse of most sea star populations in

rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats. Sea star wast-

ing syndrome appears to be responsible for a majority of these

temperature-mediated disease outbreaks (Pfister et al., 2016).

Laying waste to not only Pisaster in the intertidal, but also to

the subtidal keystone predator, the sunflower star Pycnopodia

Wading in the Footsteps

of an Ecological Giant

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