June 2016

Special Issue: Bay of Bengal: From Monsoons to Mixing

Oceanography | Vol.29, No.2


Observations of Currents Over the Deep Southern Bay of Bengal—

With a Little Luck

By H.W. Wijesekera, W.J. Teague, E. Jarosz, D.W. Wang, T.G. Jensen,

S.U.P. Jinadasa, H.J.S. Fernando, L.R. Centurioni, Z.R. Hallock, E.L. Shroyer,

and J.N. Moum

124 Variability of Near-Surface Circulation and Sea Surface Salinity Observed

from Lagrangian Drifters in the Northern Bay of Bengal During the Waning

2015 Southwest Monsoon

By V. Hormann, L.R. Centurioni, A. Mahadevan, S. Essink, E.A. D’Asaro,

and B. Praveen Kumar

134 Adrift Upon a Salinity-Stratified Sea: A View of Upper-Ocean Processes

in the Bay of Bengal During the Southwest Monsoon

By A.J. Lucas, J.D. Nash, R. Pinkel, J.A. MacKinnon, A. Tandon, A. Mahadevan,

M.M. Omand, M. Freilich, D. Sengupta, M. Ravichandran, and A. Le Boyer

146 The Interplay Between Submesoscale Instabilities and Turbulence in the

Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal

By S. Sarkar, H.T. Pham, S. Ramachandran, J.D. Nash, A. Tandon, J. Buckley,

A.A. Lotliker, and M.M. Omand

158 Monsoon Mixing Cycles in the Bay of Bengal: A Year-Long Subsurface

Mixing Record

By S.J. Warner, J. Becherer, K. Pujiana, E.L. Shroyer, M. Ravichandran,

V.P. Thangaprakash, and J.N. Moum

170 Ocean Turbulence and Mixing Around Sri Lanka and in Adjacent Waters

of the Northern Bay of Bengal

By S.U.P. Jinadasa, I. Lozovatsky, J. Planella-Morató, J.D. Nash,

J.A. MacKinnon, A.J. Lucas, H.W. Wijesekera, and H.J.S. Fernando

180 Decay Mechanisms of Near-Inertial Mixed Layer Oscillations in the

Bay of Bengal

By T.M.S. Johnston, D. Chaudhuri, M. Mathur, D.L. Rudnick, D. Sengupta,

H.L. Simmons, A. Tandon, and R. Venkatesan

192 Large-Scale Air-Sea Coupling Processes in the Bay of Bengal Using

Space-Borne Observations

By R. Sharma, N. Agarwal, A. Chakraborty, S. Mallick, J. Buckley, V. Shesu,

and A. Tandon

202 What Controls Seasonal Evolution of Sea Surface Temperature in the

Bay of Bengal? Mixed Layer Heat Budget Analysis Using Moored Buoy

Observations Along 90°E

By V.P. Thangaprakash, M.S. Girishkumar, K. Suprit, N. Suresh Kumar,

D. Chaudhuri, K. Dinesh, A. Kumar, S. Shivaprasad, M. Ravichandran,

J.T. Farrar, R. Sundar, and R.A. Weller

ON THE COVER. A series of vignettes from a research ship

in the Bay of Bengal (above water), during the southwest monsoon

season. On sunny days, the sea surface is a source of heat and mois-

ture feeding deep atmospheric convection. The placid conditions

are abruptly terminated by an approaching wall cloud, accompanied

by gusty winds and torrential monsoon rains. While the ocean’s

surface layer is visibly stirred up, what are the processes that deter-

mine the interior properties and currents? And, how are the air-sea

fluxes themselves affected? These are questions addressed by the

articles in this issue. Photo credits: Above-water photographs by

San Nguyen, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Bottom panel

photo by Gualtiero Spiro Jaeger, MIT/WHOI Joint Program

Oceanography | Vol.29, No.2


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Please send corrections to magazine@tos.org.

Corrections will be printed in the next issue

of Oceanography.


Production of this issue of Oceanography

was supported by the US Office of Naval

Research through a grant to Scripps Institution

of Oceanography.



Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Office of Naval Research


Indian National Centre for Ocean

Information Services


Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic

Sciences, Indian Institute of Science


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth


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