September 2016

Special Issue on GoMRI: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science

Oceanography | September 2016

Silver Linings

Disasters Can Produce Good Science

On April 20, 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, working

on the Macondo exploration well for BP in the Gulf of Mexico, killed 11 peo-

ple and led to an estimated five million barrels of crude oil spewing into the

water column from approximately 1,500 m depth. Four months later and six

years ago this month, on September 19, 2010, the wellhead was declared per-

manently sealed. The scope and scale of the environmental disaster caused by

the blowout was enormous. And yet, as with great tragedies throughout his-

tory, ranging from fires that destroyed large portions of London and Chicago

to earthquakes that devastated Lisbon and San Francisco, great disasters

often have a silver lining. In this case, work done in reaction to the massive

Deepwater Horizon oil spill led to a substantial amount of good science that

will improve the response to the inevitable next major spill. Numerous field

programs, experiments, and modeling studies conducted in the aftermath of

Deepwater Horizon by scientists from institutions in the United States and

around the world added tremendously to the knowledge base. Hundreds of

peer-reviewed articles have already been published on the Deepwater Horizon

spill, including several special issues in specialized journals.

This special issue of Oceanography, generously supported by the Gulf of

Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI), supplements this literature by provid-

ing an accessible, multidisciplinary overview not only of results from scien-

tific studies but also of the multifaceted outreach and database efforts sup-

ported under the GoMRI program. Twenty articles provide snapshots of how

far oil spill science has come in the six years since the Deepwater Horizon oil

spill. Their topics range from how crude oil weathers and spreads, to the envi-

ronmental impacts of dispersant use, the short- and long-term effects oil spills

have on coastal and marine ecosystems, and impacts on the health and live-

lihoods of the affected communities. Even with this silver lining, as articles

in this special issue remind us, the story is not yet complete. The outcomes of

studies that will be supported by GoMRI’s final request for proposals, to be

issued in October, will contribute further to the important knowledge base on

how oil spills affect Earth’s environment.


Ellen S. Kappel, Editor

December 2016

Ocean-Ice Interaction

March 2017

International Cooperation in

Harmful Algal Bloom Science

June 2017

Autonomous and Lagrangian

Platforms and Sensors

September 2017

Sedimentary Processes Building a

Tropical Delta Yesterday, Today, and

Tomorrow: The Mekong System

December 2017

Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science

and Technology at the Monterey Bay

Aquarium Research Institute

In addition to the special issues articles,

Oceanography solicits and publishes:

• Peer-reviewed articles that chronicle

all aspects of ocean science and its


• News and information, meeting reports,

hands-on laboratory exercises, career

profiles, and book reviews

• Editor-reviewed articles that address

public policy and education and how

they are affected by science and


• Breaking Waves articles that describe

novel approaches to multidisciplinary

problems in ocean science

Special Issues




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