December 2016

Special Issue on Ocean-Ice Interaction

Oceanography | Vol.29, No.4





QUARTERDECK. In Memory of Tom Garrison

By E.S. Kappel


FROM THE PRESIDENT. The New World of Oceanography

By M.S. Lozier


COMMENTARY. Marine Microalgae: Climate, Energy, and Food Security

from the Sea

By C.H. Greene, M.E. Huntley, I. Archibald, L.N. Gerber, D.L. Sills, J. Granados,

J.W. Tester, C.M. Beal, M.J. Walsh, R.R. Bidigare, S.L. Brown, W.P. Cochlan,

Z.I. Johnson, X.G. Lei, S.C. Machesky, D.G. Redalje, R.E. Richardson, V. Kiron,

and V. Corless


RIPPLE MARKS. Protecting the World’s High Seas Heritage from the White

Shark Café to the Sargasso Sea

By C.L. Dybas

207 THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM. Course Design Principles for Enhancing

Student Learning

By L. Arthurs

209 CAREER PROFILES. Eduardo Loos, Project Manager, ASL Environmental

Sciences • Cecile S. Rousseaux, Research Scientist, Goddard Earth Sciences

Technology and Research (GESTAR), Universities Space Research Association

Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center



Breaking Waves

Breaking Waves provides an outlet for short papers describ-

ing novel approaches to multidisciplinary problems in ocean-

ography. These provocative papers will present findings that are

synthetic by design, and have the potential to move the field of

oceanography forward or in new directions.

Papers should be written in a style that is both concise and

accessible to a broad readership. While these papers should be

thought-provoking for the professional oceanographer, they

should also be written in a manner that is engaging for the edu-

cated nonprofessional. As in other sections of Oceanography,

we encourage the use of color photographs and figures to help

illustrate a paper’s main points and add to its aesthetic appeal.

Consistent with our effort to publish papers on rapidly advanc-

ing topics in oceanography, all submissions to the Breaking Waves

section will be given a special fast-track in the peer-review and

publishing processes. Our goal will be to publish papers no more

than two issues (i.e., six months) after their submission.

The Associate Editor overseeing Breaking Waves manuscripts

is Charles H. Greene (, Department of Earth

and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University. Authors should

submit a brief e-mail message to the Associate Editor outlining

their ideas for papers prior to actual manuscript preparation. This

step will ensure that authors receive appropriate feedback prior

to investing their time and energy in preparing manuscripts that

may be unsuitable for publication in this forum. Correspondence

with the Associate Editor and submission of manuscripts must

be done electronically. File formats for text, figures, and photo-

graphs must be consistent with existing style guidelines

for Oceanography (

Oceanography | Vol.29, No.4

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