December 2016

Special Issue on Ocean-Ice Interaction

Oceanography | December 2016




FROM THE GUEST EDITORS. Introduction to the Special Issue on

Ocean-Ice Interaction

By J.K. Willis, E. Rignot, R.S. Nerem, and E. Lindstrom


Greenland Melt and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

By E. Frajka-Williams, J.L. Bamber, and K. Våge


Connecting the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Ocean: A Case Study of

Helheim Glacier and Sermilik Fjord

By F. Straneo, G.S. Hamilton, L.A. Stearns, and D.A. Sutherland


An Intensive Observation of Calving at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland

By D.M. Holland, D. Voytenko, K. Christianson, T.H. Dixon, M.J. Mei, B.R. Parizek,

I. Vaňková, R.T. Walker, J.I. Walter, K. Nicholls, and D. Holland


Improving Bed Topography Mapping of Greenland Glaciers Using NASA’s

Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) Data

By M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, and J.K. Willis


Oceans Melting Greenland: Early Results from NASA’s Ocean-Ice Mission

in Greenland

By I. Fenty, J.K. Willis, A. Khazendar, S. Dinardo, R. Forsberg, I. Fukumori,

D. Holland, M. Jakobsson, D. Moller, J. Morison, A. Münchow, E. Rignot,

M. Schodlok, A.F. Thompson, K. Tinto, M. Rutherford, and N. Trenholm


The Ice Shelf of Petermann Gletscher, North Greenland, and Its Connection

to the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

By A. Münchow, L. Padman, P. Washam, and K.W. Nicholls


Temporal Changes in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Implications for

the Antarctic Continental Shelves

By S.T. Gille, D.C. McKee, and D.G. Martinson

106 Decadal Ocean Forcing and Antarctic Ice Sheet Response: Lessons from

the Amundsen Sea

By A. Jenkins, P. Dutrieux, S. Jacobs, E.J. Steig, G.H. Gudmundsson, J. Smith,

and K.J. Heywood


Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: The Role of the Amundsen Sea

Continental Shelf in Exchanges Between Ocean and Ice Shelves

By K.J. Heywood, L.C. Biddle, L. Boehme, P. Dutrieux, M. Fedak, A. Jenkins,

R.W. Jones, J. Kaiser, H. Mallett, A.C. Naveira Garabato, I.A. Renfrew,

D.P. Stevens, and B.G.M. Webber

130 Ocean-Ice Shelf Interaction in East Antarctica

By A. Silvano, S.R. Rintoul, and L. Herraiz-Borreguero


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Oceanography | December 2016

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