March 2017

Special Issue on International Cooperation in Harmful Algal Bloom Science

Oceanography | March 2017


Was Bob Dylan our muse? Although

he was really singing about something

else, I’d like to believe he was think-

ing about global warming and sea level

rise and the gathering of people in The

Oceanography Society.

Come gather ‘round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You’ll be drenched to the bone

If your time to you

Is worth savin’

Then you better start swimmin’

Or you’ll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin’.

Bob Dylan, ©1963/1991

Anyway, Bob won a Nobel Prize in

December, so let’s claim him. You all

know the song and can read the rest of the

lyrics to remember what it is really about.

The times are indeed changing as we

enter a new year, with a new administra-

tion in Washington, DC, new challenges,

and new opportunities. Changes in the

United States have hit like a tsunami, and

I’ve heard from many TOS members who

are feeling pretty nervous. As I start my

term as TOS President, I’d like to high-

light some things that aren’t changing,

and then some things that are.

First, thanks to strong and steady lead-

ership from Past President Susan Lozier

and a highly engaged Council over the

past two years, TOS is shipshape and

is riding on an even keel. We hope that

won’t change. Member engagement and

society finances are strong. Our journal

Oceanography is highly ranked (third in

impact factor of all ocean sciences jour-

nals), thanks to the stalwart efforts of lead


The Times They Are a Changin’… Again

editor Ellen Kappel, and is entirely open

access. And we are supremely blessed to

have Jenny Ramurai continue as Executive

Director. Jenny is the soul of TOS, and as

I said in my comments before presenting

the Jerlov Award to Curtis Mobley at the

Ocean Optics meeting in Victoria, Jenny

has a knack for making everything fun.

I spent the last year or so learning

about the inner workings of TOS, and

the most important thing I learned is that

TOS is, as always, here for its members.

But who are the members? Did

you know that TOS is, and has always

been, an international organization?

Although we are incorporated as a non-

profit in Washington, DC, and there-

fore bound by US law, our name is

“The Oceanography Society,” not “the

American Oceanography Society.” Our

founders chose this name intentionally,

and it gives us a global perspective. About

one-third of our membership comes from

outside the United States, and represents

66 nations. Of the past six meetings sup-

ported by TOS, half have been outside the

United States (Canada, Spain, Scotland).

All our members around the world are

important to the Society and to the field.

We are a community unified by our

love of the sea, and by our shared search

for truth through rational inquiry and

rigorous peer review. Oceanography is an

inherently international activity, and our

science thrives when minds, communi-

cations, and borders, are open. National

interests sometimes involve science, but

the science itself is apolitical. We stand

by our principles and affirm the need

for cooperation and collaboration in sci-

ence, along with freedom of inquiry, free-

dom to publish and publicize scientific

results, and the sanctity of scientific data.

Preserved well, our data age and grow in

value like a fine wine.

But what of politics? We all have our

own opinions, and from sitting in com-

mittees I can confirm that there is a broad

range of views among our members. By

our nonprofit charter, TOS is a scientific

organization, not a political one. What

does this mean? As an organization we

are specifically disallowed from partici-

pating in political campaigns either for

or against any candidates running for

office, and “no substantial part of the

activities of the corporation shall be…

attempting to influence legislation” (TOS

Articles of Incorporation, 1988). These

specific restrictions, which are a provi-

sion in the US tax code known as “The

Johnson Amendment,” have been true

(since 1954) of all nonprofit organiza-

tions incorporated in the United States.

Those of you watching current US news

will be aware that there is discussion of

repealing this amendment. We’ll see what

happens with that.

It is worth noting that these restric-

tions do not apply to our individual mem-

bers, who are, of course, free to influence

legislation and engage in political activ-

ity as they wish (other countries may have

laws that apply to our members there).

Further, the Johnson Amendment does

not infringe on the free speech of TOS to

say pretty much whatever it wants about

issues, as long as it isn’t about candidates

running for office or specific legislation.

So I will say it again—oceanography is

an inherently international activity, and

our science thrives when minds, com-

munications, and borders, are open. This

has always been the case, and this has not

changed, and we are free to advocate for

those principles.

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