Oceanography | March 2017
VOL.30, NO.1, MARCH 2017
Special Issue on International Cooperation
in Harmful Algal Bloom Science
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.1
VOL. 30, NO. 1, MARCH 2017
Oceanography | March 2017
GEOHAB–The Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms
Program: Motivation, Goals, and Legacy
By R.M. Kudela, E. Berdalet, H. Enevoldsen, G. Pitcher, R. Raine, and E. Urban
Harmful Algal Blooms in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: A GEOHAB
Core Research Project
By G.C. Pitcher, A.B. Jiménez, R.M. Kudela, and B. Reguera
Harmful Algal Blooms in Benthic Systems: Recent Progress and Future
By E. Berdalet, P.A. Tester, M. Chinain, S. Fraga, R. Lemée, W. Litaker, A. Penna,
G. Usup, M. Vila, and A. Zingone
Harmful Algal Blooms in Fjords, Coastal Embayments, and Stratified Systems:
Recent Progress and Future Research
By E. Berdalet, M. Montresor, B. Reguera, S. Roy, H. Yamazaki, A. Cembella,
and R. Raine
Globally Changing Nutrient Loads and Harmful Algal Blooms: Recent
Advances, New Paradigms, and Continuing Challenges
By P.M. Glibert and M.A. Burford
GlobalHAB: A New Program to Promote International Research, Observations,
and Modeling of Harmful Algal Blooms in Aquatic Systems
By E. Berdalet, R. Kudela, E. Urban, H. Enevoldsen, N.S. Banas, E. Bresnan,
M. Burford, K. Davidson, C.J. Gobler, B. Karlson, P.T. Lim, L. Mackenzie,
M. Montresor, V.L. Trainer, G. Usup, and K. Yin
Winter 2015/16: A Turning Point in ENSO-Based Seasonal Forecasts
By J. Cohen, K. Pfeiffer, and J. Francis
A Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Ocean Based on Environmental Data
By R.G. Sayre, D.J. Wright, S.P. Breyer, K.A. Butler, K. Van Graafeiland,
M.J. Costello, P.T. Harris, K.L. Goodin, J.M. Guinotte, Z. Basher, M.T. Kavanaugh,
P.N. Halpin, M.E. Monaco, N. Cressie, P. Aniello, C.E. Frye, and D. Stephens
VOL. 30, NO. 1, MARCH 2017
Oceanography | March 2017
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.1
QUARTERDECK. The Federal[scient]ist Papers
By E.S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT. TOS—The Times They Are a Changin’… Again
By A. Mix
RIPPLE MARKS. Ocean Takeover: Throughout the Seas, Cephalopods Rise Up
By C.L. Dybas
104 HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY. Paleoclimate Reconstruction from Oxygen
Isotopes in a Coral Skeleton from East Africa: A Data-Enhanced Learning
By D.P. Gillikin, A. Verheyden, and D.H. Goodwin
108 THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM. Learning Science in a Post-Truth World
By S. Boxall
CAREER PROFILES. Jo-Ann Rosario-Llantín, Consultant in Physical
Oceanography; Founder, Executive Director, and Principal Scientist, Coastal
and Environmental Research Applications Inc. • Erika Montague, Consultant
The Oceanography Society
P.O. Box 1931
Rockville, MD 20849-1931 USA
t: (1) 301-251-7708
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Send changes of address to info@tos.org
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info@tos.org or go to https://tos.org/
Please send corrections to magazine@tos.org.
Corrections will be printed in the next issue
of Oceanography.
Production of this issue of Oceanography was
supported by grants OCE-0003700, OCE-
0326301, OCE-0608600, OCE-0938349, and
OCE-1243377 from the US National Science
Foundation to the Scientific Committee on
Oceanic Research for GEOHAB activities;
the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission of UNESCO; and the University
of Copenhagen. Additional funds were
provided by the Ida Benson Lynn Endowment,
University of California Santa Cruz.
• RAPHAEL KUDELA, Univeristy of California,
Santa Cruz
• HENRIK ENEVOLDSEN, Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
• ED URBAN, Scientific Committee on Ocean
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.1
Aerial photograph of a Gonyaulax
polygramma bloom in False Bay,
South Africa, on February 23, 2007.
These blooms often lead to hypoxia,
triggering marine mortality events.
Photo credit: Anthony Allen
Photo credit: Scott Portelli
Oceanography | March 2017
Ellen S. Kappel
Geosciences Professional Services Inc.
5610 Gloster Road
Bethesda, MD 20816 USA
t: (1) 301-229-2709
Contributing Writer
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
Oceanography (ISSN 1042-8275) is published by The Oceanography Society, PO Box 1931,
Rockville, MD, 20849-1931 USA. ©2017 The Oceanography Society Inc. All rights
reserved. Permission is granted for individuals to copy articles from this magazine for
personal use in teaching and research, and to use figures, tables, and short quotes from
the magazine for republication in scientific books and journals. There is no charge for
any of these uses, but the material must be cited appropriately.
Republication, systemic reproduction, or collective redistribution of any material in
Oceanography is permitted only with the approval of The Oceanography Society.
Please contact Jennifer Ramarui at info@tos.org.
Gregg J. Brunskill
84 Alligator Creek Road
Alligator Creek, Queensland 4816
Margaret L. (Peggy) Delaney
Vice Chancellor
Planning and Budget
Santa Cruz
Kerr Hall, Rm. 209
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA
t: (1) 831-459-4317
Charles H. Greene
Director, Ocean Resources &
Ecosystems Program
Professor, Department of Earth &
Atmospheric Sciences
Cornell University
4120 Snee Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701 USA
t: (1) 607 275-1662
Kiyoshi Suyehiro
Principal Scientist
Research and Development Center
for Earthquake and Tsunami
Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Yokohama, Japan
t: (81) 45-778-5800
James Syvitski
Executive Director of CSDMS
and Professor
University of Colorado-Boulder
1560 30th Street, Campus Box 450
Boulder, CO 80309-0450 USA
t: (1) 303-735-5482
Peter Wadhams
Department of Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK
t: (44) 1223-760372
Johanna Adams
Assistant Editor
Vicky Cullen
PO Box 687
West Falmouth, MA 02574 USA
t: (1) 508-548-1027
Associate Editors
The Oceanography Society was founded in 1988
to advance oceanographic research, technology,
and education, and to disseminate knowledge of
oceanography and its application through research
and education. TOS promotes the broad under-
standing of oceanography, facilitates consensus
building across all the disciplines of the field, and
informs the public about ocean research, innova-
tive technology, and educational opportunities
throughout the spectrum of oceanographic inquiry.
TREASURER: Susan Banahan
AT-LARGE: Dennis McGillicuddy
EDUCATION: Lee Karp-Boss
Jennifer Ramarui
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The Oceanography Society
P.O. Box 1931
Rockville, MD 20849-1931 USA
t: (1) 301-251-7708
f: (1) 301-251-7709
email: info@tos.org
Oceanography | March 2017
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Oceanography | March 2017
The Federal[scient]ist Papers
As readers know, Oceanography is published by The Oceanography
Society, a private nonprofit organization. But in light of the ongoing
vigorous discussion and debate about the size and scope of the fed-
eral government, and particularly about the appropriate funding levels
for US science agencies, this may be a good time to acknowledge the
essential support that federal agencies have provided for special issues
of Oceanography over the past two decades. Since 1996, the Office of
Naval Research, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National
Science Foundation, and the United States Arctic Research Commission
have sponsored most issues of Oceanography. Most frequently, special
issues have reviewed the science that resulted from a particular pro-
gram that an agency supported, some of which were multinational.
Other special issues have had invited papers on specific ocean-related
topics that were cross-program and cross-agency. US agencies also
generously sponsored publication of both issues devoted to women in
oceanography and the March 2016 special issue on graduate education
in the ocean sciences.
These special issues of Oceanography have been useful outlets for dis-
seminating information about government-supported ocean science
research outcomes both within and outside our community. Our sci-
ence articles are peer reviewed, are written in more accessible language
than a technical journal, and are freely and openly available on the
web, creating the potential for expanding the magazine’s audience. As
an example, recent articles in The Washington Post and The Guardian
specifically mentioned articles from the NASA-sponsored December
special issue section on Ocean-Ice Interaction. The online versions of
the newspaper articles linked to the Oceanography articles. Thanks to
social media, the articles generated an enormous spike in hits to the
Oceanography website.
Whatever the future may hold, I hope that Oceanography will remain
able to disseminate information about the valuable oceanographic
research conducted by federal agency scientists as well as scientists at
academic institutions who are funded by federal agencies. Given that
TOS membership represents 66 countries, it would be appropriate to
balance US coverage with more articles that describe research funded
by government agencies outside the United States.
I encourage submission of review articles about your government-
funded research program that articulates why your research is import-
ant and provides an accessible overview of your results and how they
affect the future of our planet (see author guidelines at https://tos.org/
oceanography/guidelines). When published, everyone can then aid in
dissemination by promoting the articles and special issues on social
media. As a famous American said, “It takes a village.”
Ellen S. Kappel, Editor
June 2017
Autonomous and Lagrangian
Platforms and Sensors
September 2017
Sedimentary Processes Building a
Tropical Delta Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow: The Mekong System
December 2017
Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science
and Technology at the Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute
In addition to the special issues articles,
Oceanography solicits and publishes:
• Peer-reviewed articles that chronicle
all aspects of ocean science and its
• News and information, meeting reports,
hands-on laboratory exercises, career
profiles, and book reviews
• Editor-reviewed articles that address
public policy and education and how
they are affected by science and
• Breaking Waves articles that describe
novel approaches to multidisciplinary
problems in ocean science
Special Issues
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.1
Long-term readers of Oceanography may already be aware
that I have an interest in the scientific presentation of geo-
graphic information and even coauthored a contribution to
Oceanography about the proper use of map projections
in oceanography more than a decade ago. (Krause and
Tomczak, 1995). While our contribution did not eliminate the
use of questionable projections from the scientific literature,
I can live with most of them (grudgingly). But Figure B2 of
the fascinating review of the possible contribution of large-
scale industrial cultivation of marine microalgae by Greene
et al. (2016) in our December 2016 edition exceeded my
tolerance level.
The figure, a “world map of relative fuel production
potential,” makes much argument about the relatively small
land area required to satisfy US or global liquid fuel demand
through the cultivation of microalgae. This would suggest
that the authors use a projection that offers area equiva-
lency, an impression enhanced by the depiction of Texas
for comparison with other land areas. But the figure is not
based on any scientific projection; while it does not include
a latitude/longitude grid, it appears to be based on a sim-
ple square-gridded latitude/longitude mesh, which does not
conserve any map properties.
Matters are made worse by the addition of a distance
scale, suggesting a map that allows the comparison of
distances across its area. But it is well known that area
equivalency and equidistance are mutually exclusive map
properties, and why an equidistant map is preferable to an
area equivalency map if the emphasis is on area compari-
son is hard to explain.
But distance is obviously not maintained in the map
depicted in Figure B2: It shows the 3,900 km between
Vancouver and New York as something close to 6,800 km;
even the area of Texas is overestimated by nearly 50%
based on the distance scale given.
Allow me to use the figure appearing in Greene et al.’s
otherwise excellent article to renew my plea for a scientific
approach to map displays in oceanography. Maybe review-
ers of future papers can make it a habit to look critically not
only at the text but also at the way in which the papers’ find-
ings are displayed in maps.
– Matthias Tomczak, Emeritus Professor of Oceanography,
School of the Environment, Flinders University of South Australia
Greene, C.H., M.E. Huntley, I. Archibald, L.N. Gerber, D.L. Sills, J. Granados,
J.W. Tester, C.M. Beal, M.J. Walsh, R.R. Bidigare, and others. 2016.
Marine microalgae: Climate, energy, and food security from the sea.
Oceanography 29(4):10–15, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.91.
Krause, G., and M. Tomczak. 1995. Do marine scientists have a scientific
view of the Earth? Oceanography 8(1):11–16, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/
The map in question originally appeared in Moody et al. (2014; https://doi.org/
10.1073/pnas.1321652111). The authors of Greene et al. (2016) concur with
Dr. Tomczak’s points.
Dear Editor,
The origins of The Oceanography Society are rooted in bring-
ing together and recognizing individuals from all fields of
oceanography, representing the broad interests of mem-
bers in research, engineering, industry, policy, and educa-
tion, and the diversity and international nature of the society.
TOS members from all areas of oceanography will be consid-
ered for the Fellows Program. A recommendation for advance-
ment to TOS Fellow is appropriate after an individual has been
a TOS member for at least three years, depending on his or her
contributions to the field.
The main criteria for being elected a TOS Fellow are outstand-
ing and sustained contributions, and devotion to the broad
field of oceanography, commensurate with the founding prin-
ciples of the Society.
Nominations Deadline » October 31, 2017
Learn More » https://tos.org/tos-fellows
TOS Fellows Program https://tos.org/tos-fellows
Recognizing Individuals Who Have Attained Eminence in Oceanography Through
Their Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Oceanography or Its Applications
Oceanography | March 2017
Was Bob Dylan our muse? Although
he was really singing about something
else, I’d like to believe he was think-
ing about global warming and sea level
rise and the gathering of people in The
Oceanography Society.
Come gather ‘round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you
Is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’.
Bob Dylan, ©1963/1991
Anyway, Bob won a Nobel Prize in
December, so let’s claim him. You all
know the song and can read the rest of the
lyrics to remember what it is really about.
The times are indeed changing as we
enter a new year, with a new administra-
tion in Washington, DC, new challenges,
and new opportunities. Changes in the
United States have hit like a tsunami, and
I’ve heard from many TOS members who
are feeling pretty nervous. As I start my
term as TOS President, I’d like to high-
light some things that aren’t changing,
and then some things that are.
First, thanks to strong and steady lead-
ership from Past President Susan Lozier
and a highly engaged Council over the
past two years, TOS is shipshape and
is riding on an even keel. We hope that
won’t change. Member engagement and
society finances are strong. Our journal
Oceanography is highly ranked (third in
impact factor of all ocean sciences jour-
nals), thanks to the stalwart efforts of lead
The Times They Are a Changin’… Again
editor Ellen Kappel, and is entirely open
access. And we are supremely blessed to
have Jenny Ramurai continue as Executive
Director. Jenny is the soul of TOS, and as
I said in my comments before presenting
the Jerlov Award to Curtis Mobley at the
Ocean Optics meeting in Victoria, Jenny
has a knack for making everything fun.
I spent the last year or so learning
about the inner workings of TOS, and
the most important thing I learned is that
TOS is, as always, here for its members.
But who are the members? Did
you know that TOS is, and has always
been, an international organization?
Although we are incorporated as a non-
profit in Washington, DC, and there-
fore bound by US law, our name is
“The Oceanography Society,” not “the
American Oceanography Society.” Our
founders chose this name intentionally,
and it gives us a global perspective. About
one-third of our membership comes from
outside the United States, and represents
66 nations. Of the past six meetings sup-
ported by TOS, half have been outside the
United States (Canada, Spain, Scotland).
All our members around the world are
important to the Society and to the field.
We are a community unified by our
love of the sea, and by our shared search
for truth through rational inquiry and
rigorous peer review. Oceanography is an
inherently international activity, and our
science thrives when minds, communi-
cations, and borders, are open. National
interests sometimes involve science, but
the science itself is apolitical. We stand
by our principles and affirm the need
for cooperation and collaboration in sci-
ence, along with freedom of inquiry, free-
dom to publish and publicize scientific
results, and the sanctity of scientific data.
Preserved well, our data age and grow in
value like a fine wine.
But what of politics? We all have our
own opinions, and from sitting in com-
mittees I can confirm that there is a broad
range of views among our members. By
our nonprofit charter, TOS is a scientific
organization, not a political one. What
does this mean? As an organization we
are specifically disallowed from partici-
pating in political campaigns either for
or against any candidates running for
office, and “no substantial part of the
activities of the corporation shall be…
attempting to influence legislation” (TOS
Articles of Incorporation, 1988). These
specific restrictions, which are a provi-
sion in the US tax code known as “The
Johnson Amendment,” have been true
(since 1954) of all nonprofit organiza-
tions incorporated in the United States.
Those of you watching current US news
will be aware that there is discussion of
repealing this amendment. We’ll see what
happens with that.
It is worth noting that these restric-
tions do not apply to our individual mem-
bers, who are, of course, free to influence
legislation and engage in political activ-
ity as they wish (other countries may have
laws that apply to our members there).
Further, the Johnson Amendment does
not infringe on the free speech of TOS to
say pretty much whatever it wants about
issues, as long as it isn’t about candidates
running for office or specific legislation.
So I will say it again—oceanography is
an inherently international activity, and
our science thrives when minds, com-
munications, and borders, are open. This
has always been the case, and this has not
changed, and we are free to advocate for
those principles.
Oceanography | Vol.30, No.1
Some things about TOS are chang-
ing, in good ways. First, TOS is grow-
ing. Rapidly. Our diversity is increasing,
reflecting positive efforts at inclusion.
For example, of current members who
joined in the first two years of the soci-
ety, 91% were male and 88% were from
the United States. At the beginning, in
spite of its international charter and the
best of intentions, TOS was effectively an
American boys’ club.
In contrast, of our members who
joined in the past two years, 56% were
female and, independent of gender, 35%
were from outside the United States
(in addition, some within the United
States were not US citizens, but we
don’t track that).
We have not yet reached gender par-
ity overall (44% female), but we are on
a good path. Our international profile
continues to grow (now totaling 31%
non-US). The TOS Council is approx-
imately gender balanced, and includes
international representation. We have not
tracked ethnicity, and we are trying to do
a better job there. We can be happy that
our efforts at increasing diversity are suc-
ceeding, but we will keep working at it,
and at promoting equal opportunity and
equitable treatment as our young ocean-
ographers move through their careers.
Our expanding membership reflects
the growing realization, especially among
our early career scientists, that we will
succeed as a field only if we band together
around our shared goals and needs. TOS
is a collaborative member-driven organi-
zation, and it shows. That gives me hope
for the future.
Nevertheless, we have all observed the
challenges faced by our younger gener-
ation. In response, we have made some
changes. TOS membership is now free
to all students, and we have reduced
membership costs for early career scien-
tists in postdoctoral positions. We want
to empower the new generation to orga-
nize and to reinvent the field and the
Society to better fit their needs.
This year we will roll out a mento-
ring program, first in prototype form
and hopefully later as a larger program,
designed to pair students with senior sci-
entists in academia, government, and the
private sector, and to conduct a conver-
sation across national boundaries about
careers, life, and exciting new direc-
tions for oceanography. Students, please
watch the TOS web page for announce-
ments. Senior scientists, please volunteer
as mentors—we need your help. This is an
“all hands on deck” activity.
Recognizing that young people may
face financial hurdles in completing their
dissertation research and transitioning
to careers, we have launched the TOS
Career Opportunity/Student Travel and
Research Support (COSTARS) Fund.
Voluntary donations are rapidly build-
ing this fund toward our initial goal, and
we will soon be able to offer some sup-
port for graduate students to attend bien-
nial Ocean Sciences Meetings, to join
and conferences, to travel for needed
research at specialized off campus facili-
ties, and to explore career opportunities
including internships in industry, gov-
ernment, nongovernmental organiza-
tions, and other ocean-relevant settings.
We encourage everyone to donate (see
link below). This is a great opportunity
for those of us with established or com-
pleted careers to give something back and
help our young people.
I’ll say more about our growing pro-
gram with the private-sector oceanogra-
phy community and other initiatives in
future columns.
So, we live in interesting times. Some
things are changing, and some things are
staying the same. One thing that will never
change is the character of the TOS mem-
bership as a community of scientists who
support each other as colleagues and as
people, without biases regarding national
origin, gender, ethnicity, belief systems,
or any of the fascinating and complicated
things that make us human. The people
who create the science come first, and
that is my favorite thing about TOS. It is
why I joined in 1987, it is why I stayed,
and it is why I am thrilled and honored
to start my term as TOS President. I want
to hear from you, so that TOS can under-
stand your joys and concerns, represent
you and better serve your needs. We are
here for you.
I write from Oregon, in early February,
as a hard rain is falling. I’m ready to
start swimmin’ and I hope you are too.
Gather ’round.
Alan Mix, TOS President
Do your part to support the next
generation of ocean scientists!
One of our new programs, focused on our student members, is the TOS COSTARS fund
(Career Opportunity/Student Travel and Research Support). Opening soon, this fund
will help graduate students to present their work at scientific conferences, to collabo-
rate with colleagues at other institutions and to investigate career opportunities. We
are still in fundraising mode and we encourage contributions, remembering the help
that we all got along the way. Donate now to the TOS COSTARS Fund and help gradu-
ate students prepare to enter the workforce!
To learn more about TOS COSTARS or to make a donation, go to: