Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1
The origins of The Oceanography Society are rooted in
bringing together and recognizing individuals from all
fields of oceanography, representing the broad interests
of members in research, engineering, industry, policy, and
education, and the diversity and international nature of the
society. TOS members from all areas of oceanography will
be considered for the Fellows Program. A recommenda-
tion for advancement to TOS Fellow is appropriate after an
individual has been a TOS member for at least three years,
depending on his or her contributions to the field.
The main criteria for being elected a TOS Fellow are out-
standing and sustained contributions, and devotion to
the broad field of oceanography, commensurate with the
founding principles of the Society.
Nominations Deadline » October 31, 2018
Learn More » https://tos.org/tos-fellows
Recognizing Individuals Who Have Attained Eminence in Oceanography Through
Their Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Oceanography or Its Applications
TOS Fellows Program https://tos.org/tos-fellows
Help TOS Fulfill Its Mission!
Recognizing excellence, disseminating knowledge,
promoting communication
The Oceanography Society welcomes financial contributions of any size to
help support the Society’s mission of disseminating knowledge of ocean-
ography and its application through research and education, promoting
communication among oceanographers, and providing a constituency for
consensus-building across all the disciplines of the field. Contributions are
welcome in one or more of the following areas:
• COSTARS: Career Opportunity/Student Travel and Research
Support – Supporting travel for graduate students to conferences and
other institutions and organizations
• Student Fund – Supporting programs such as the TOS Mentoring
• Early Career Fund – Supporting participation in career-enhancing
• TOS General Fund – Used for greatest needs, as recommended by the
TOS Council
To contribute go to https://tos.networkforgood.com