Oceanography | September 2018
Let’s Try Some Math
for a Change
Since publication of the first issue of Oceanography in 1988, by far the
majority of articles in the magazine have been descriptive, in keeping
with our mission of “cross-disciplinary communication.” This format
also reflects that our bread and butter is disseminating information on
seagoing programs—observational oceanography.
This issue is a clear departure, where several theoretical ocean-
ographers describe the mathematical aspects of the discipline, phys-
ical oceanography in particular. These writers set aside the modern
emphasis on numerical techniques and focus instead on the fruits of
old-fashioned, pencil-and-paper equation-solving. Observations and
theory are the yin and yang of scientific progress, and our hope is that
these articles will stimulate further discussions, new insights, and
adventurous collaborations.
Ellen S. Kappel, Editor
December 2018
Gulf of San Jorge, Patagonia,
March 2019
Scientific Ocean Drilling:
Looking to the Future
June 2019
Salinity Processes in the Upper
ocean Regional Study (SPURS) – 2
September 2019
Partnership for Interdisciplinary
Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO)
December 2019
Flow Encountering Abrupt
Topography (FLEAT)
Do you have an idea for a special
issue of Oceanography? Please send
your suggestions to Editor Ellen Kappel
at ekappel@geo-prose.com.
Be sure to drop by
TOS Booth #518
at the
AGU 2018 Fall Meeting
December 10–14
Washington, DC