June 2019

Special Issue on SPURS-2: Salinity Processes in the Upper-Ocean Regional Study 2

Oceanography | June 2019



THE VISION In recognition of the central role the ocean plays in

supporting all life on earth, we see a resilient world whose societies

prosper through sustainable interactions with our ocean, guided by timely,

reliable, and accessible information.

THE MISSION Oceanobs’19 is a community-driven conference

that brings people from all over the planet to communicate

the decadal progress of ocean observing networks and to

chart innovative solutions to society’s growing needs for

ocean information. As the third installment of the decadal

conference series, oceanobs’19 will celebrate progress

across national, regional, and global ocean observation

networks while establishing commitments to execute the

collective vision for these systems over the coming decade.

THE IMPACT OceanObs’19 will determine how we meet

future user needs (information), improve the delivery of products

across the globe (interoperability), advance technology and services

(innovation), and balance needs, capabilities, and knowledge worldwide

(integration). Achieving these outcomes will result in a fit-for-purpose

Global Ocean Observing System over the next decade.



Visit our site for more information.


Follow us on twitter @Oceanobs19

On May 5 and 6, the G71 environment

ministers gathered in France to discuss

pressing needs, and then issued a state-

ment in the context of “fighting inequal-

ities by protecting biodiversity and cli-

mate.” Among the 52 actions highlighted

in their 12-page report, a few have direct

relevance to The Oceanography Society.

Words used most frequently in the decla-

ration include biodiversity (49 instances),

sustainable (42), and climate (33). Way

down that list are key words that relate

directly to TOS—ocean (15) and marine

(14). The G7 ministers “emphasize the

need to address the different ways in

which climate change and environmental

degradation affect territories, oceans and

seas, activities and people,” so at least the

ocean was included. And the G7 are com-

mitted to improving and sharing the lat-

est state-of-the art knowledge regarding

the ecological state of the ocean, to boost-

ing ocean awareness and literacy, and to

ensuring that existing and new anthropo-

genic pressures are reduced and do not

threaten the health of the ocean.

Where is the OCEAN

in Global Policy Discussions?

1 G7 is a collective of seven of the world’s most industrialized and developed economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom,

and the United States.

2 G20 is a forum for international economic cooperation and decision-making that includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany,

India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the

European Union.

In this respect, we welcome the G7

Initiative on Earth Observation and

Integrated Coastal Zone Management as

well as the work by the G7 Future of the

Seas and Oceans Working Group and its

efforts to establish an Ocean Observation

Coordination Centre to strengthen col-

laboration, including with the Global

Ocean Observing System (GOOS). We

invite the Working Group to support

preparations for and activities under

the UN Decade of Ocean Science for

Sustainable Development (2021–2030).

“The ocean we need for the future we

want!” decadal proposal aims to gather

stakeholders worldwide behind a com-

mon framework to ensure that ocean

science can fully support countries in

creating improved conditions for the

conservation and sustainable use of the

ocean, seas, and marine resources. So,

here you go fellow TOS members, we

have work to do!

Two months earlier, on March 6, 2019,

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan

received the Joint Statement by Science20

(S20) as part of this year’s G202 process.

The executive summary begins with:

“A healthy coastal and marine environ-

ment is essential for the ongoing sustain-

able development of human society. The

ocean is a large absorber of atmospheric

heat and carbon dioxide, and provides

a vital buffer against anthropogenic cli-

mate change. The ocean contributes to

human well-being in many ways, such as

providing protein from fisheries, main-

taining various natural cycles and is also

a source of recreation and spiritual com-

fort. However, coastal and marine eco-

systems are also facing serious threats.”

The five-page document uses the word

ocean 42 times, followed by marine (32)

and other keywords such as plastic (22),

ecosystem (13), carbon (11), and climate

(10). To my knowledge, it is the first time

that the G20 process has taken note of the

ocean and, more remarkable, that under

the Japanese leadership the only topic

the science track under G20 addressed

this year was the ocean. That is excellent

news, because the G20 group is much

more inclusive than the G7 and speaks

better to the broad, global membership

of TOS. Statements like those should give

us hope that the science we do is increas-

ingly recognized and supported by differ-

ent policy groups around the world.

Finally, on May 6 the Intergovernmental

Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity

and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released

its major report. The top three words

found in the 30 pages of tightly spaced

text are nature (52), change (43), and bio-

diversity (39), and when adding oceans

and ocean together, we have a respectable


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