March 2020

The MEDEA Program; Human Migrations to the Americas, 2019 Flooding of Venice; Citizen Science; Using Data in Teaching; and More…

The Oceanography Society (TOS) was founded in 1988 to encourage collabo-

ration and innovation among ocean scientists worldwide and across subdisci-

plines. The Society continues to support this community through publishing

Oceanography magazine, convening scientific conferences, and recognizing

major achievements in ocean sciences through the TOS Honors Program.

TOS is fully committed to nurturing the next generation of ocean scientists

through mentoring, providing leadership opportunities, and disseminating

student-curated newsletters that highlight student members, provide links to

resources, and announce opportunities.

The membership period is January 1 through December 31 of each year. Upon

joining, new members will receive access to all back issues of Oceanography

published during this membership period.

Membership Options

Regular Membership [$70]. Available to oceanographers, scientists, or engi-

neers active in ocean-related fields, or to persons who have advanced ocean-

ography by management or other public service.

Student Membership [Free!]. Available for students enrolled in an oceanog-

raphy or ocean-related program at the baccalaureate or higher level.

Early Career Membership [$30]. Available to non-student oceanographers,

scientists, or engineers active in ocean- related fields, or to persons who have

advanced oceanography by management or other public service who have

received their highest degree within the past three years.

Sponsoring Membership [$125]. Available to individuals who wish to pro-

vide enhanced support annually. In the United States, $50 of the annual dues

in this category is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution as are any addi-

tional contributions, over and above the annual regular membership dues.

Visit and click on join TOS

to complete your application!

Call for Corporate and

Institutional TOS Members

[Starting at $300] TOS invites all corporate or

nonprofit organizations interested in the ocean

sciences to join as members in this category.

Membership benefits include:

• An active link from the TOS website to the

organization’s website

• Complimentary inclusion of one quarter-

page ad in Oceanography magazine

• Organization’s name and contact information

included in each issue of Oceanography

• Discounted rates for employment opportu-

nity postings in the TOS Jobs Center

• Fifteen percent discount on advertising in


For more information, go to: and-


Make connections,

advance your career,

enrich your research


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