Oceanography | Vol.33, No.4
Look for opportunities through your professional societies that you
might not be able to access on your own from grad school. This
could be serving on a policy or communication committee, partic-
ipating in a congressional visits day, or taking a leadership posi-
tion in the society itself. These posts can put you in the orbit of
people from different backgrounds and in different places in their
careers—great folks to tap as you explore your options.
– Katie Matthews, Deputy Chief Scientist, Oceana
(1) Put yourself out there. Let people know you are interested in
positions outside of academia. (2) Conduct informational inter-
views and network. This will give you a sense for the types of posi-
tions you may want to pursue post-academia. (3) Update your
LinkedIn profile and get business cards. These are currencies many
sectors use for networking. (4) Practice your elevator speech. What
are your skills and what excites you? (5) Think outside of the box
and leave the “supposed to’s” behind. I have met hundreds of sci-
entists since leaving academia who made a similar transition and
hold positions in, for example, industry, finance, start-ups, and
government. The career paths are endless.
– Sarah Bender, Program Officer, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
I have three recommendations. (1) Recognize that most scientists
will not work in academia. Find the skills that you excel at as well
as the elements that keep you excited, and find work that enables
you to both employ your skills and enjoy your work. (2) Capitalize
on the unbelievable skill set that you have attained in your edu-
cation. In reality, an education in science (and especially a PhD)
is light years beyond what most people will ever achieve, in both
knowledge and experience. Use this confidently. (3) Network, net-
work, network. The best jobs, the best opportunities, and the best
future all lie in the people you know and what they can do for you.
Ask your friends, colleagues and mentors for help…they will give it.
– Paul Bunje, Senior Director of Oceans, XPRIZE Foundation
Re-reading these smart and helpful answers makes me not quite
ready to give a fond farewell to a feature that provides the few
pages in each issue specifically dedicated students’ career con-
cerns. Oceanography can continue to publish additional career
profiles of people who have left academia as the opportunities
present themselves. But it can do so more often if you would
please take five, ten, or even fifteen minutes of your time to come
up with some names to send to me (ekappel@geo-prose.com).
Your effort will be appreciated!
Ellen S. Kappel, Editor
Oceanography | Vol.33, No.4
One of the most meaningful aspects of being a
member of The Oceanography Society (TOS) is the
opportunity to recognize and celebrate our col-
leagues’ accomplishments.
Three medals are now open for nomination. Please
take this opportunity to recognize a colleague for
their exceptional achievements and contributions to
the ocean sciences.
The WALTER MUNK MEDAL is given bienni-
ally to an individual ocean scientist for extraordi-
nary accomplishments and novel insights in the
areas of physical oceanography, ocean acoustics, or
marine geophysics.
biennially to an individual ocean scientist for extraor-
dinary accomplishments and novel insights in the
areas of marine geoscience, chemical oceanography,
or paleoceanography.
The MARY SEARS MEDAL is given biennially
to an individual ocean scientist for extraordi-
nary accomplishments and novel insights in the
areas of biological oceanography, marine biology,
or marine ecology.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021