June 2022

Special Issue on Oceans Across the Solar System

Oceanography | Vol.35, No.1



that your ancestors lie in this ground. Here

you will give your gifts and meet your

responsibilities. To become naturalized is

to live as if your children’s future matters,

to take care of the land as if our lives and

the lives of all our relatives depend on it.

Because they do.”

Let’s become naturalized to the places

where we live and work by listening to,

learning from, and supporting the people

in our communities. And let’s make sure

that we do so in a sustained, respectful,

and consequential manner.


Batchelor, R.L., H. Ali, K.G. Gardner-Vandy, A.U. Gold,

J.A. MacKinnon, and P.M. Asher. 2021. Reimagining

STEM workforce development as a braided river.

Eos 102, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EO157277.

Bennett, L.M., and H. Gadlin. 2012. Collaboration and

team science: From theory to practice. Journal of

Investigative Medicine 60(5):768–775.

Hooke, W. 2015. Reaffirming the social con-

tract between science and society. Eos 96,

https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2015EO026333.

Johnson, D.R. 2012. Campus racial climate per-

ceptions and overall sense of belonging among

racially diverse women in STEM majors. Journal

of College Student Development 53(2):336–346,

https://doi.org/ 10.1353/csd.2012.0028.

Ladson-Billings, G. 1995. But that’s just good teach-

ing! The case for culturally relevant pedagogy.

Theory into Practice 34(3):159–165, https://doi.org/


NASEM (National Academies of Sciences,

Engineering, and Medicine). 2019a. The Science

of Effective Mentorship in STEMM. The National

Academies Press, Washington, DC, 306 pp.,


NASEM. 2019b. Minority Serving Institutions:

America’s Underutilized Resource for

Strengthening the STEM Workforce. The National

Academies Press, Washington, DC, 254 pp.,



Mona Behl (mbehl@uga.edu) is Associate Director,

Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University

of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, and a member of the

TOS JEDI Committee.


Behl, M. 2021. Science in service of our communi-

ties. Oceanography 35(1):5–6, https://doi.org/10.5670/



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the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

International License (https://creativecommons.org/

licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adapta-

tion, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or

format as long as users cite the materials appropri-

ately, provide a link to the Creative Commons license,

and indicate the changes that were made to the

original content.

Navigating Grad School

This new Oceanography column provides guidance and advice for

grad students.

• Envisioning and Writing a Thesis Proposal > https://doi.org/


• Finding a Thesis Topic > https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2022.211

The Oceanography Classroom

A recurring column in Oceanography, The Oceanography

Classroom provides guidance and insights into teaching

undergraduate and graduate classes in the ocean sciences.  

> https://tos.org/classroom

Career Profiles

To date, Oceanography has posted nearly 100 career profiles of

marine scientists. These profiles discuss the career paths taken,

decisions made along the way, and job satisfaction, and provide

advice on job searches.  > https://tos.org/career-profiles

Hands-On Oceanography

Hands-On Oceanography articles provide peer-reviewed

activities appropriate for use in undergraduate and/or graduate

oceanography classes.  

> https://tos.org/hands-on-oceanography

TOS Grad Student/Early Career Resources Page

On this page you will find the TOS Twitter feed, Oceanography

Student News, and links to fellowship, fieldwork, and employment

opportunities, as well as links to helpful articles and websites. 

> https://tos.org/opportunities

Ocean Education Articles

Ocean Education articles describe an undergraduate or graduate

program, often funded by government agencies, designed to aid in

a specific educational outcome.

> https://tos.org/ocean-education-articles



Oceanography | Vol.35, No.1

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