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Oceanography | Vol.35, No.2




The Oceanography Society (TOS) Honors

Program provides opportunities for its

members to amplify the Society’s val-

ues ( and to recog-

nize and celebrate the accomplishments

of colleagues. However, individual and

systemic biases can affect the nomina-

tion and selection process. In fall 2021,

the TOS Council postponed a cycle of the

Honors Program due to lack of diversity

in nominees (

june-2022). The TOS JEDI Committee

( is considering

ways to generate a large and diverse pool

of nominees by embedding TOS’s justice,

equity, diversity, and inclusion goals into

the honors and awards process. This arti-

cle highlights some of those suggestions

and invites TOS members to weigh in.

As of 2022, TOS has three honors cate-

gories: Fellows, Medals, and Awards. The

oldest honors offered by the Society are

the Munk Award (established in 1993),

the Jerlov Award (established in 2000),

and The Oceanography Society Fellows

(established in 2004). The other medals

(Wallace S. Broecker, Mary Sears) and

awards (Mentoring, Early Career, and

Ocean Observing) are relatively new.

The nomination criteria for all awards

( at present focus

on a nominee’s impactful, innovative,

and/or transformative contributions to

original research; impact in educating

and mentoring students and early career

scientists; and their significant interdisci-

plinary and/or collaborative research. It is

sobering that to date, the lists of awardees

remain predominantly from a particular

demographic—White men from North

America or Europe. For example, of the

13 Munk Awardees, 12 are White men.

Of the 11 Jerlov Awardees, 10 are White

men. Of the 45 TOS Fellows, 31 are White

men. While other societies in oceanogra-

phy also predominantly honor men, the

gender statistics for TOS honors are the

least diverse (Legg et al., 2022).

Part of the reason for the lack of diver-

sity in nominations may be how TOS

members and nomination supporters

interpret merit. For example, when one

of us (FM-K) attempted to nominate a

female scientist from a developing nation

for a specific TOS medal, he was not able

to obtain letters of support. Scientists

from renowned institutions in developed

nations agreed that her contributions

were multiple and commendable, but also

felt that this nominee would likely not be

considered by TOS because she could

not be equated to one of the people rep-

resented by a named medal. This experi-

ence suggests that there may be unwrit-

ten rules preventing many of our peers

from being nominated, let alone selected,

for these awards. We suggest that TOS

can more clearly articulate its values in

a redesigned process that is sensitive at a

number of different levels, such as indi-

vidual identity, socioeconomic status,

culture, and geography.

We offer six initial suggestions that

may help open the TOS nomination

and awards process to broader sets of

contributions and contributors. These

suggestions are consistent with efforts to

reconsider awards processes in other geo-

science societies (e.g., Holmes et al., 2020;

Ali et al., 2021).

1. Focus the award guidelines on the

holistic essence of a career. Criteria

could introduce a more comprehen-

sive definition of achievement beyond

the publication record alongside the

overarching value of a person’s efforts

to improve community well-being

at local, regional, national, and/or

international levels.

2. Change the nomination guidelines

to better support individuals at each

stage in the honors and awards pro-

cess. Simplify the package that nom-

inators provide and allow supporters

to sign on and/or add a short con-

curring letter. Guarantee need-based

support for awardees, such as travel

and lodging to attend the award cer-

emony, meeting registration fees, and

interpretation services.

3. Allow nominations of non-TOS mem-

bers for all TOS honors. Clearly, there

are many TOS members who deserve

honors and awards, but TOS mem-

bers should not be restricted to look-

ing only inside the Society to cele-

brate excellent role models. This is an

important mechanism to highlight the

fact that our Society has broader val-

ues and real-world commitments. It

may also serve as a new avenue for

membership recruitment for nomi-

nees and their networks.


By Frank Muller-Karger, EeShan Bhatt, and Erin Meyer-Gutbrod

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