March 2019

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2018 Field Season


Raineault, N.A, and J. Flanders, eds. 2019. New frontiers in ocean

exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and

R/V Falkor 2018 field season. Oceanography 32(1), supplement,

150 pp.,

The R/V Falkor team dove on “Rosebud,” a whale fall

that was placed by researchers off San Diego, California,

in La  Jolla Canyon. Researchers noted changes in

composition and life forms around the location in

a beautiful, exciting dive investigating ecosystems

unique to whale falls. Image credit: SOI


A bustling community of shrimp and squat lobsters in a towering city of glass sponges

and soft corals (Pinulasma nov. sp. and Parastenella cf ramosa). This delicate deep-sea

metropolis, affectionately nicknamed “Spongetopia,” was discovered in July 2018 on

the summit of Explorer Seamount in the Northeast Pacific. Explorer is Canada’s larg-

est underwater volcano and one of 40+ seamounts located in the proposed Offshore

Pacific Marine Protected Area. Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility), Northeast

Pacific Seamount Expedition partners, and OET

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