March 2021

New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2020 Field Season

ON THE COVER. A team aboard E/V Nautilus

recovers ROVĀ  Hercules after a dive in the

Southern California Borderland in November

2020 (NA124). Image credit: Ocean Exploration

Trust/Nautilus Live

A variety of life, including corals and a very

rare Astrosarkus (commonly called a "pumpkin

star"), cling to a scarp face at 120 m depth found

during one of Schmidt Ocean Institute's expe-

ditions near Lihou Reef in the Coral Sea Marine

Park. This occurrence of the pumpkin star is a

substantial range extension to what has been

known. Image credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute

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