December 2021

Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards

• The deep ocean is warming and is increasingly contrib-

uting to sea level rise.

• The global ocean circulation and its physical, chemical,

and biological properties are changing under changing

winds and surface fluxes.

• Ocean oxygen content has declined since 1960, with

loss at all depths; tropical oxygen minimum zones have

expanded; upper ocean oxygen has increased in the

Southern Hemisphere subtropical gyres.

• Multiple observing systems show that the ocean absorbs

about 25% of excess CO2 resulting from anthropogenic

inputs. From GO-SHIP, the total ocean inventory of

anthropogenic carbon (Cant) has increased by 30% from

1994 to 2010. Anthropogenic carbon buildup can be

detected as deep as 2,000 m and continues to acidify

the ocean.

• Dissolved organic carbon distributions have been

mapped globally for the first time.

While GO-SHIP’s sustained measurements have evolved

conservatively for continuity, GO-SHIP provides a platform

for piloting new types of observations anywhere in the world

and for international collaboration on individual measure-

ments and full cruises. Each GO-SHIP cruise includes mul-

tiple ancillary activities, including Argo deployments, ocean

mixing measurements, and some biological observations.

A new expansion to include “Bio GO-SHIP” has begun to

investigate the distributions and the biogeochemical and

functional roles of plankton in the global ocean. Routine

sampling of plankton for genetic analyses is proposed, and

microbial sampling has been conducted on several cruises.

As GO-SHIP continues to monitor and expand to new

parameters, it will inevitably reveal new climatically signif-

icant properties of the physics, chemistry, and biology of

the global ocean, and inspire technological advancements

in ship-based and autonomous measurements.




GO-SHIP’s quasi-decadal reoccupation of hydrographic

transects spanning the global ocean was implemented and

is sustained to quantify changes in the storage and trans-

port of heat, fresh water, carbon, nutrients, and transient

tracers (Talley et  al., 2016; Sloyan et  al., 2019; Figure 3).

These full-depth, coast-to-coast transects measure many of

the physical and biogeochemical essential ocean variables

of the Global Ocean Observing System and provide the

highest accuracy ocean data, attainable only with research

ships and specialized, calibrated analytical methods

(Figure 4). Three decades of GO-SHIP data have been cen-

tral to the assessment of the state of the ocean throughout

multiple IPCC reports (, and they are

used in multiple climatologies (e.g., GLODAP; https://www. for calibration and validation of autonomous

instruments and for model initialization and validation.

Importantly, GO-SHIP provides the reference standard

data central to calibrating Core, Deep, and BGC Argo sen-

sors. GO-SHIP’s data sets are subject to rapid public release

to maximize use as reference data and for biogeochemical

assessments: preliminary data within six to eight weeks of

the end of a cruise and final data within six months.

In this era of expanding autonomous observing sys-

tems, GO-SHIP, supported by the research fleet, remains

the backbone of sustained observing. The following

climate-related results have been based on GO-SHIP data

(Sloyan et al., 2019, and subsequent works) and have led to

the expansion of Argo into the deep ocean and to biogeo-

chemical measurements to increase our temporal and spa-

tial coverage of these climatically important phenomena.

FIGURE 4. (a) Sampling for oxygen during

GO-SHIP I08S on R/V Roger Revelle

in 2016. Photo credit: Earle Wilson

(b) A CTD/rosette package is launched

during GO-SHIP I06S aboard R/V Thomas

Thompson in 2019. Photo credit: Isa Rosso

FIGURE 3. Global Ocean Ship-based Hydro-

graphic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP)

section tracks. Credit: OceanOPS

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