March 2023

Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Emerging Technologies for Understanding and Managing a Changing Ocean

In this second supplement to Oceanography on frontiers

in ocean observing, articles describe the many creative

and promising ways in which scientists are now sampling

and studying the ocean and its constituents, from carbon

dioxide and oxygen, environmental DNA (eDNA), plastics,

and microplastics, to coral reefs, fish, and whole ecosys-

tems. These papers show, for example, how acoustic tech-

niques are critical components for early warning of natural

hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides

and how they play significant roles in investigations such

as determining how ocean soundscapes may be used to

monitor coral reef ecosystem health. Several articles

demonstrate the application of long-used technologies for

new and important data-gathering purposes, while others

describe how data collected by multiple technologies

deployed simultaneously have improved monitoring of

threats such as harmful algal blooms and oil spills. Some

authors detail the application of eDNA analyses, especially

to midwater environments, where they are providing new

insights, in combination with other sampling and sensing

methods. Modeling is a key aspect of several of the stud-

ies, where ocean observing data serve as critical inputs

and for validation. These innovative observing technolo-

gies and analytical techniques are advancing our under-

standing of the world ocean and supporting its sustainable

use and management.

Similar to last year’s supplement, we invited potential

authors to submit letters of interest aligned with the pri-

orities of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable

Development (2021–2030), though topics were further

narrowed into specific themes. In addition, this year each

topic had guest editors, some of whom are early career sci-

entists. The idea was that this supplement would provide

an opportunity for a senior scientist to mentor one from

the next generation and for early career scientists to gain

some experience as guest editors for a journal.


THEME: Observations for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

GUEST EDITORS: Toste Tanhua and Jens Daniel Müller

How ocean observations and emerging technologies

are helping to identify potential marine carbon dioxide

removal (mCDR) opportunities and to measure the effec-

tiveness of mCDR actions, including studies evaluating the

potential adverse effects of human interventions on bio-

diversity and ecosystem function. 


THEME: Patterns and Trends in Ocean Biodiversity Under

Climate Change

GUEST EDITORS: Mark John Costello, Qianshuo Zhao,

Charles Lavin, and Cesc Gordó-Vilaseca

Ocean observing efforts that record environmental and

related biodiversity changes occurring in different eco-

systems, from the coasts to the deep ocean and from

the tropics to the high latitudes, and that address the link

between observations and policy.


THEME: Assessing the Damage Caused by Marine

Plastic Pollution

GUEST EDITORS: Luisa Galgani and Shiye Zhao

Both classical oceanographic approaches and new tech-

niques for quantifying marine plastic pollution as well as

its long-term consequences on ecosystems and climate

through their interaction with natural elements of the

marine environment. 


THEME: Ocean Observations for Coastal Hazard Warning

GUEST EDITORS: Benoît Pirenne and Soroush Kouhi

Observations and monitoring, forecasting, alerting, and

hazard research together with the systems developed

around them and their applications in coastal communities. 


THEME: Environmental DNA Technology

GUEST EDITORS: Annette Govindarajan and Luke McCartin

Recent developments in all aspects of eDNA technology

and interpretive approaches relevant for observing and

studying animal biodiversity, especially in the ocean mid-

water environment.

We thank Ocean Networks Canada, the US National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Ocean

Monitoring and Observing Program, and the Partnership

for Observation of the Global Ocean for generously sup-

porting publication of this supplement to Oceanography.



By Ellen S. Kappel, Mark John Costello, Luisa Galgani, Cesc Gordó-Vilaseca,

Annette Govindarajan, Soroush Kouhi, Charles Lavin, Luke McCartin, Jens Daniel Müller,

Benoît Pirenne, Toste Tanhua, Qianshuo Zhao, and Shiye Zhao

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