March 2023

Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Emerging Technologies for Understanding and Managing a Changing Ocean




The word “robots” refers here to autonomous vehicles and

platforms, which include:

• Buoyancy- driven robots, encompassing

° Biogeochemical (BGC)- Argo floats (Figures B1 and B2)

° BGC- gliders (Figure B3)

• Uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs; Figure B4)

Floats and USVs could rendezvous for data intercomparison

and transfer (Figure B5). In the future, USVs could intercept

and reposition floats to maintain them in the best monitoring

locations or create “virtual moorings.”

FIGURE B1. A jumbo biogeochemical profiling float (BGC- Argo

float, REFINE type NKE CTS5) can provide profiles every five

days over four years. Sensors are identified that contribute

to the three mCDR monitoring objectives (detection, attribu-

tion, and determination of side effects). Photo credit: David

Luquet, used with his permission. Licensed under CC BY- SA

4.0 by Thomas Boniface

FIGURE B2. BGC- Argo floats record variables from 2,000 m

depth to the surface, where data are rapidly transmitted to a sat-

ellite. The floats then descend to a parking depth (e.g., 1,000 m)

where they stay for 10 days before initiating the next vertical

profile. During the parking phase, floats have the potential to

monitor key properties for mCDR such as wind (passive acous-

tic) and particle flux (transmissometer used as optical sediment

trap). Photo credits: (top) David Luquet and (bottom) Thomas

Boniface, used with their permissions. Licensed under CC BY- SA

4.0 by Thomas Boniface.

BGC- Argo Float

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