December 2024

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December 2024 | Oceanography

from satellite altimetry was selected as

the study site (Figure 1). Te particu-

lar dipole targeted was identifed in the

weeks prior to the onset of the cruise. Te

study consisted of several weeks of direct

measurements from R/V Neil Armstrong

augmented by a large number of auton-

omous systems, including drifers, a

Wirewalker, and uncrewed underwater

vehicle (UUV) gliders (Figure 2). Te

cyclone/ anticyclone dipole pair was asso-

ciated with negative dynamic height

and cold surface water on the cyclonic

(counterclockwise circulating) side and

positive dynamics height and warm water

surface waters on the anticyclonic (clock-

wise circulating) side. Te study period

was characterized by extremely deep

mixed layers on the cyclonic side of the

dipole and winds that generally remained

above 10 m s–1. Te passage of a series of

atmospheric cyclones with strong winds

and high sea states (Figure 3) forced

episodic rapid deepening of the sur-

face boundary layer (Klenz et al., 2022).

Surface cooling was generally unim-

portant, but the Stokes forcing played a

leading- order role in mixed and turbu-

lent boundary layer deepening (Figure 3;

Skyllingstad et al., 2023).

Te fndings from the pilot study moti-

vated the larger 2019 study of a similar

dipole at almost the same site (Figure 2),

which again utilized R/V Neil Armstrong

along with profling foats (Kunze et al.,

2023; Girton et  al., 2024, in this issue),

uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) Wave

Gliders, gliders, surface drifers, and

moorings (Voet et al., 2024, in this issue).

Tis range of resources allowed the team

to examine the properties of near- inertial

response in both cyclonic and anti-

cyclonic fows (Tomas et al., 2020, 2023;

and 2024a, 2024b, both in this issue). Te

2019 program consisted of four mod-

ules: (1) “jet + confuence,” that exam-

ined the evolution of inertial oscillations

(35 kts wind event) in strong cyclonic

and anticyclonic vorticity, (2) “sheepdog”

with a drifing array in a quieter region,

(3) a mapping survey, and (4) “fence” and

“greyhound” to sample the inertial wave

feld at the edge of an anticyclonic eddy

with strong submesoscale gradients in a

strong frontal region (Figure 4).

A second full-scale process cruise

planned for 2020 was scaled back due to

the Covid pandemic and reoriented to

focus on mooring recovery with a min-

imal autonomous presence. With the

loss of ship time, the focus of the study

shifed closer to Iceland, north of the

North Atlantic Current frontal system,

with measurements made during the

September to November period using

drifers, foats, and USV and UUV glid-

ers (Figure 2a). Te 2020 efort also fea-

tured an Air-Launched Autonomous

Micro-Observer profling foat and a spar

buoy system (Zimmerman et al., 2024, in

this issue) that measured the enhanced

near-inertial forcing and breakdown of

summer surface stratifcation caused by

the passage of an extratropical cyclone.

FIGURE 1. Track of R/V Neil

Armstrong (heavy black line).

Drifter tracks are colored by sea

surface temperature. They are

overlaid by satellite dynamic

topography (absolute dynamic

topography [ADT] from EU

Copernicus Marine Service,

https:// 10.48670/ moi-

00148), with negative ADT

(cold surface waters) indicated

by dashed contours and posi-

tive ADT (warm surface waters)

indicated by solid contours.

FIGURE 2. (a) Autonomous assets

used during the Near-Inertial Shear

and Kinetic Energy in the North




2018–2021. While the focus of the

experiment was on the vorticity

associated with the North Atlantic

Current Extension, other observa-

tional eforts centered on the role

of the near-inertial response above

the Reykjanes Ridge and along

the margin of the Icelandic Basin.

(b)  R/V Neil Armstrong tracks in

support of NISKINe, 2018–2019.

The 2020 field efort was also

orchestrated using a combination

of chartered vessels and the sup-

port of the Icelandic Coast Guard.

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