December 2024

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Oceanography | Vol. 37, No. 4



One of the most meaningful aspects of being a member of

The Oceanography Society (TOS) is the opportunity to recog-

nize and celebrate our colleagues’ accomplishments. Please

take this opportunity to recognize a colleague, mentor, team,

or peer for their exceptional achievements and contributions

to the ocean sciences.


WALLACE S. BROECKER MEDAL is awarded biennially

to an individual for innovative and impactful contributions to

the advancement or application of marine geoscience, chem-

ical oceanography, or paleoceanography. Nomination dead-

line: October 31, 2025.

The NILS GUNNAR JERLOV MEDAL is awarded bien-

nially to an individual for advancing our knowledge of

how light interacts with the ocean. Nomination deadline:

October 31, 2025.

The WALTER MUNK MEDAL is awarded biennially to

an individual for extraordinary accomplishments and novel

insights contributing to the advancement or application of

physical oceanography, ocean acoustics, or marine geophys-

ics. Nomination deadline: October 31, 2025.

The MARY SEARS MEDAL is awarded biennially to an

individual for innovative, and impactful contributions to the

advancement or application of biological oceanography,

marine biology, or marine ecology, along with outstand-

ing contributions to education and mentorship in the feld.

Nomination deadline: October 31, 2025.


Recognizing TOS members who have made outstanding

and sustained contributions to the feld of oceanography

through scientifc excellence, extraordinary service and lead-

ership, and/or strategic development of the feld. Nomination

deadline: October 31, 2025.


The TOS EARLY CAREER AWARD is presented bienni-

ally to up to three TOS Early Career members for signifcant

early- career research contributions and impact, and the

potential for future achievements in the feld of oceanogra-

phy. Nomination deadline: October 31, 2025.

The TOS MENTORING AWARD is given biennially to an

individual for excellence and/or innovation in mentoring the

next generation. Nomination deadline: October 31, 2025.


sented biennially to a team for innovation and excellence in

sustained ocean observing for scientifc and practical appli-

cations. Nomination deadline: October 31, 2025.

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