June 2024

Special Issue on Twenty Years of GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes

June 2024 | Oceanography

For the past 20 years, the GEOTRACES program has produced trans-

formative insights into the cycling of trace elements and isotopes (TEIs)

in the ocean. Modeled after the 1970s GEOSECS (Geochemical Ocean

Sections Study) program, the goals of this ambitious study were to con-

duct large-scale measurements of TEI concentrations and to deter-

mine the biogeochemical processes that controlled their distributions

throughout the global ocean. Perhaps the biggest hurdle to overcome

was how to accurately measure less than nanomolar concentrations of

TEIs from the deck of a 3,000 gross tonnage steel ship. Contaminants

were literally everywhere, requiring scientists and crew to become inno-

vative in their attempts to maintain clean conditions for sample collec-

tion, storage, and measurement. GEOTRACES encouraged interna-

tional partnerships while instilling a collaborative approach in the next

generation of scientists. The practices GEOTRACES developed led to

consistent high-quality measurements across diverse lab groups and

provided an extensive and open database. GEOTRACES has truly been

a labor of love among all the scientists and crews involved, and the pro-

gram continues as a lofty example of the discoveries possible when con-

ducting such wide-ranging collaborative research.

Claudia Benitez-Nelson

Associate Editor, Oceanography

D   https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2024.422



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