June 2024

Special Issue on Twenty Years of GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes

Oceanography | Vol. 37, No. 2



By Robert F. Anderson


Though geochemists have long sought to

understand biogeochemical cycles, initial

attempts to measure the extremely low

concentrations of trace elements in sea-

water were frustrated by contamination

problems. It was not until the 1970s that

contamination-free methods were devel-

oped, launching a new era of research to

characterize the biogeochemical cycles of

trace elements in the ocean.

Nevertheless, by the beginning of the

new millennium, after two decades of

improved and, generally, contamination-

free sample collection, work was pro-

ceeding so slowly that description of

the marine biogeochemical cycles of

most trace elements was beyond reach.

For example, by 2003, dissolved iron

(dFe) profiles from the surface ocean

to >2,000 m had been reported for no

more than two dozen locations world-

wide (Anderson et al., 2014). Despite reli-

able data, for the most part, they were

grossly inadequate to define biogeochem-

ical cycling of Fe.

Efforts would have to be coordinated

to characterize the global biogeochem-

ical cycle of any trace element: no sin-

gle nation, let alone an individual inves-

tigator, could hope to compile sufficient

information. This recognition led to the

creation of the GEOTRACES program

(https://www.geotraces.org/), an inter-

national study of the marine biogeo-

chemistry of trace elements and their

isotope (TEIs).

The objectives of the program were

straightforward: to determine ocean dis-

tributions of TEIs globally and to under-

stand the processes that control them

well enough to code the defining param-

eters into models. Achieving the neces-

sary global coverage required contribu-

tions from many investigators in many

nations, which, in turn, led to two further

prerequisites: intercalibration, to ensure

internal consistency of data generated by

different labs (Aguilar-Islas et al., 2024, in

this issue) and a data management sys-

tem that combined the international suite

of intercalibrated data into a single data-

base that was available in multiple for-

mats, including graphical illustration of

the results in an electronic atlas (Schlitzer

and Mieruch-Schnülle, 2024, in this

issue). These prerequisites were put into

place in advance of the global study.

International workshops held in 2007,

focusing on the Pacific, Atlantic, and

Indian Oceans, enabled investigators to

identify target locations, either where

strong sources or sinks of TEIs were

thought to exist, or where internal cycling

processes (biological uptake, regener-

ation, abiotic scavenging, transport by

ocean circulation) have a strong influ-

ence over TEI distributions. Investigation

of the Arctic and Southern Oceans began

in 2007 under the International Polar

Year (IPY). Although GEOTRACES

was not ready at that time to under-

take a full study of all TEIs of interest,

the development of new technologies

for the collection of contamination-free

samples (de Baar et al., 2008) in prepa-

ration for GEOTRACES allowed some

GEOTRACES investigators to partic-

ipate in the IPY. More complete plan-

ning for Arctic Ocean work (Jensen and

Colombo, 2024, in this issue) was orga-

nized during an international workshop

in 2009. Workshop reports, containing

recommendations for a global survey, are

available at https://www.geotraces.org/


A global survey of TEI distributions

(Figure 1) was designed using the targeted

locations noted above, enabling investi-

gators to develop, and in some cases test,

ABSTRACT. GEOTRACES is an international program that has benefited from con-

tributions by investigators in 35 nations. The program mission is to identify processes

and quantify fluxes that control the distributions of key trace elements and isotopes

in the ocean and to establish the sensitivity of these distributions to changing envi-

ronmental conditions. This perspective first summarizes the historical motivation

for the program, and then describes selected research highlights, focusing on recent

findings related to iron. The patchy distribution of iron in the ocean indicates a short

residence time, at the low end of the range of residence times estimated in models.

Iron removal from the ocean must, therefore, be rapid. Recent results from the North

Atlantic Ocean suggest that the formation of particulate authigenic iron phases may be

a factor contributing to iron removal that is faster than previously thought. This arti-

cle also identifies several areas where advancements are expected through modeling

and synthesis efforts.

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